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Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
2005 Issue 6
Experiment and calculation of 532nm laser scattering in the near ground atmosphere
DI Ling-feng;WANG Pei;LU Yong-hua;ZHANG Dou-guo;YANG Jun;MING hai
A novel temperature sensor based on the cascaded long-period fiber gratings
CHEN Shao-hua;ZHAO Qi-da;LIU Li-hui;ZHANG Dong-sheng;YAO Ying;GUO Peng;YAN Yu;DONG Xiao-yi
A novel fiber Bragg grating current sensor
ZHAO Hong-xia;BAO Ji-long
Influence of the third-order dispersion on the propagation properties of Gaussian-shaped pulses in optical fibers
SANG Zhi-wen;LUO Kai-ji;SANG Ming-huang;WANG Yong-xiang
Analytical solution of the fundamental space filling mode of photonic crystal fibers
WANG Zi-han;WANG Qing-yue;LI Yan-feng;HU Ming-lie;CHAI Lu
Temperature characteristics of Au/n-4H-SiC Schottky UV photodiode
LIANG Jin;XIE Jia-chun;HUANG Li-min;SUN Teng-da
Quantum associative memory based on entanglement
ZHONG Yan-hua;YU Xiao-min
Study on quantum key bit rate in free-space quantum cryptography
ZHANG Guang-yu;MA Jing;TAN Li-ying
Fine-structure mixing in 52p Rb atoms studied through excitation transfer and energy-pooling collisions
LI Yuan-yuan;YIN Gui-qin;MU Bao-xia;ZHANG Gang-tai;DAI Kang;SHEN Yi-fan
New power supply with high performance for pulse laser
CHEN Xiao;MA Xin-min;GUO Ze-jun;WANG Zhen
Analysis for optimized design and thermal lens effect of LD-pumped solid-state laser
ZHANG La-hua;WANG Xiao-min;MA Ming-jun;WANG Ji-guang;WU Lu-sheng
M2 of nonparaxial truncated cosh-Gaussian beams
KANG Xiao-ping;L(U) Bai-da
Measurement for chlorine utilization in a minitype singlet oxygen generator
DENG Lie-zheng;SHI Wen-bo;WANG Xiang-dan;YANG He-ping;SHA Guo-he
Nano-photolithography using super-resolution near-field structure
WANG Pei;ZHANG Dou-guo;TANG Lin;LU Yong-hua;JIAO Xiao-jin;MING Hai
Progress of the research on quantum feedback control
DONG Dao-yi;CHEN Zong-hai
Study of GaAs/Si/AlAs by DLTS technique
LI Yong-ping;TIAN Qiang;NIU Zhi-chuan
Analysis of laser altimeter echo energy attenuation in atmosphere transfer medium
BI Yun-feng;CHEN Jie-xiang;ZHANG Yi;QI Jun;TU Bi-hai;ZHAO Ping-jian
Application of CPLD in time-of-flight measurement of self-triggering pulsed laser ranging
YANG Cheng-wei;HUO Yu-jing;CHEN Qian-song;ZHAO Da-long;QIN Lai-gui;ZHANG Bao-shun
Thermosqueezing effect in a mesoscopic LC circuit at a finite temperature
WAN Hua-ming;CHEN Min
Quantum fluctuations of current in a mesoscopic lossless transmission line at finite temperature
WANG Zhong-qing;LI Jun-hong;AN Guang-lei
Entropy squeezing of atom in Raman transition
JIN Li-juan;FANG Mao-fa
Design of polarization splitters using two-dimensional photonic crystal
MAO Ling-feng;WANG Zi-ou
Band gap structure and filter properties of with quasiperiods one dimensional photonic crystals
JIANG Mei-ping;WANG Xu-dong;CHAO Xiao-gang;SHI Du-fang;CHEN Guang
Effects of cigar-shaped traps on switching and self-trapping of two Bose-Einstein condensate solitons
CHENG Yong-shan;LI Hong;GONG Rong-zhou