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Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
2001 Issue 4
Bursts in the Turbulent Medium and Light Propagation
zeng zong yong
Dynamical Characteristic of Single Electron in Coupled Quantum Dots
wang yi quan ; wang chuan kui
Ferromagnetic Polaron in the Two-dimensional Cu-O Plane
liu mei xi ; hu lian ; hu yi hua
Harmonic Generation during Short-pulse, Ultraintense Laser Interaction with Solid Target
wu shuai ; zhan ru juan ; chen ji
Investigations on a High-repetition-rate Q-Switched Flashlamp-pumped Ti:sapphire Laser
li zi yao ; shuai wen ; huang zuo ; wang ji guang ; yin shao tang ; wu lu sheng
Stable Single-frequency Fiber Ring Laser with Linewidth Less than 0.5 kHz
yu ben li ; qian jing ren ; luo jia tong ; sun zhi pei ; yang zuo hai
The Study of 1.067μm Laser Characteristics of Nd3+:KGd(WO4)2 Crystals
qiu min wang ; tu chao yang ; li jian fu ; huang zuo chuan ; wang ai dong ; tang ding yuan ; wang yuan kang
Dipole Amplitude-squared Squeezing of a Three-level Cascade Atom
tian yong hong ; xu da hai ; peng jin sheng
Diagonalization of Quadratic Hamiltonian by the Linear Quantum Transformation
liu han jun ; zuo huai xin
The Chemiluminescence of the Products in Energy Transfer Reaction of Metastable Atom He(23S) with Molecule N2H4
hu yi hua ; liu mei xi ; chen li ; wang xiao zuo ; chu yan nan ; cao de zhao
Remote Sensing of Precipitable Water from Infrared Solar Spectra
wei he li ; zhao feng sheng
Absolute Concentration Measurement of Illuminant Particles by Using the Piston Source Method
duo li ping ; cui tie ji ; wang zeng qiang ; sang feng ting ; yang bai ling
Imaging Processing Research of Optical Coherence Tomography
chen zuo ; xue ping ; chen zuo yan
Computed Holograph of Stratiform Flame
xia shou zhi ; deng kai fa ; shi du fang
Theoretical Analysis of Nonideal Phase-modulation Side-band System to Lock OPO Cavity
su hong ; zhang yun ; wang hai ; zhang tian cai
Optimum Selection of Multi-wavelength in White-light Interferometer
xie jian ping ; zhang xiao shi ; wu wei min ; xu li xin ; wu yun xia ; sun xiao hong ; ming hai
The Development of New Q-switching Material: Cr4+:YAG
huang chao hong ; yin shao tang