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Journal of Lanzhou University(Social Sciences)
2010 Issue 5
A Tentative Exploration of Poetry
WANG Mei;SHI Nian-hua
On News Design and Misconception
PANG Xiao-hong
On Narrativety and Stylistic Pattern of Early Qin Ballads
ZHANG Hai-ou
A View of Shi Liangcai\'s Career Identity
FAN Ya-ping;WANG Xiao-ping
Afghanistan Security and Its Effect on Central Asia
ZHU Yong-biao;YANG Yun-an
On Kyrgyzstan\'s Balance Diplomacy with Russia and America
JIAO Yi-qiang
huang hai bo you hua zuo pin xuan
On the Impact of Water Resources Dispute on International Relations
YANG Shu;WANG Ting-ting
On Chinese Opera Websites and Opera Resources
JIAO Fu-min
On Chinese Taxpayers\' Tax Refund Appeal
WANG Su-yuan
On Space Right as the Basis of Independent Right
ZHANG Yang;NIU Xue-hui
On Definition and Introspection of Ancient Poetic Style
OU Ming-jun