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Journal of Lanzhou University(Social Sciences)
2009 Issue 2
Evolution and Development of the Concept of Management and Governance
BAO Guo-xian;LANG Mei
Three Models for Analyzing Network Media Role in Crisis Management
SHA Yong-zhong;LUO Ji
lao she de lu xun guan
sun yu
The Ethical Stance of Laoshe: A Cultural Giant
GUAN Ji-xin
Re-exploration on the Origin of Chinese "Xia" or Knight
WANG Ju-ying
On the Distinction between Artistic Conception and Image
XIN Xiao-ling
YE Chang-chi and Tieqintongjian Library
MA Hong-ju
An Essay On Man and Cassirer's Progress in Anthropolgy
SHI Fu-qi
The Legal Significance of "Heaven" in Western Zhou Dynasty
WANG Mou-yin
System Coupling: A Sensible Choicefor Animal Husbandry Development of Sunan County
YANG Zhi-long;NIU YU-feng;DONG Zhao-yang
Research on the Cognitive Characteristicsof Urban Residents' Income Distribution Fairness
ZHANG Yong;ZHANG Jiao;SHAO Jian-ping
Persisting in Educational Planning and Realizing Concept on Education
On Look Homeward, Angel and Schopenhauer's Philosophy of Life
LIU Ji-yuan