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Journal of Lanzhou University(Social Sciences)
2006 Issue 1
Reflections on the General Principles of the Property Law
WANG Li-ming
On the Information Obligation of the Judge
JIAO Sheng-rong
Portugal in the Eyes of the Ming Chinese
PANG Nai-ming
HOU Ji-gao and his Notes from Japan
LI Xiao-lin
On the Confucian Diplomacy of Early Ming Dynasty
ZHU Ya-fei
On the Election System of the Wei and Jin Dynasties
YAO Pei-feng;QI Chen-jun
Revelations of the Taoist Actionless Governance of Laotzu
CHEN Xiao-xiang
On the Ethic of JI Yun's Notes from the Yuewei Hut
HAN Xi-ming
CHANG Yao's Road to Salvation
On the Rhythmical Tones of Modern Chinese Metrical Verse
CHEN Ben-yi
The Fading Attention to the Literature of Hong Kong
BAI Yang
On the Existential Plight as Expressed in Coetzee's Disgrace
CAI Yun;TUO Jian-ming
The Value of James Joyce's Letters
A Solution to the Farmer Problem in Western China
NIE Hua-lin;MA Cao-yuan
On the Theory and Development of the "New Public Management"
HE Wen-sheng;WANG Ding-feng
On the Financial Model of New Campus Construction
PENG Xiao-dong;CHEN Xi-dong