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Journal of Lanzhou University(Social Sciences)
2001 Issue 4
On the 80th Anniversary of the Fourding of CCP
chen de wen ; fan peng ; jia dong hai ; li heng bin ; qin sheng ; xiao qun zhong ; wang jin ; gan zuo ; gao xin cai ; lian zuo ; li zheng yuan ; ni guo liang ; liu xian chun ; yu ze jun ; zhou ling ; zhou yi xing
Improving External Environment to Reinforce the Vigor of School Management
li fa shen ; wang an ping
On the Religious Policy of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang
xue ping shuan
Caspian Sea Oil and the Energy of China
yang shu ; wang jin guo
The History of the Status of Caspian Sea in International Law
lu si ta mu ma mai duo fu
The discuss of LU Xun's Short Story KONG Yi-ji
li ming
A New Study on the Poetic Theory of Qi Shi
tan de xing ; yang guang xi
On Aytmatov's Religious View and Cultural Use
wei jian guo
Public Corporation System and its Meaning in Economic System Reform
chu feng hua ; wei jian guo
Analysis of the Developmental Mode for Small Towns in the West
liang ya min
Sharing Incentive and Mechanism Innovation of Incentive in High-tech Enterprise
zhou hai yan ; pan liu shuan
China's Capital Market Foam and its Measurement
yan liang
Rational Farmer and Sustainable Development of Rural Areas
chen qi zuo
Harmfulness of Regional Protectionism and Its Countermeasures
liu zheng hai ; zhao geng ji ; guan li li ; zhang shu hua