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Journal of Lanyungang Techincal College
2008 Issue 1
On Specialization of Student Affairs in Colleges and Universities
XIA Jia-li;ZHANG Hui
zheng gao jian ze
Integrated Teaching Design of Medicine Synthesis Technology Course
QIAN Qing-hua;ZHANG Ping
On Meaning of Laboring Value Theory From Aspects of Economics and Philosophy
JIA Hou-ming;DING Chang-qing
On Political System with Chinese Mode
HU Ben-liang
Change of Traditional Ethics in the Late Ming Dynasty by San Yan
YAN Ting-jun
On Chinese "click"
DING Hou-yin;WANG Qi-guo
Comparative Analysis of the Chinese Prepositions Jingguo and Tongguo
LIU Xiao-xi;REN Hai-bo
Application of Traditional Culture in Modern Package Design
KONG Fan-kang