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Journal of Henan University of science & Technology(Social Science)
2008 Issue 2
The Theory of Expected Possibility
HUA Xiao-gang;WU Feng-ya
Legal Thinking About the Credit of Scientific Research
DU Qin
Diversification of Subject of Wildlife Ownership in China
HUANG Zhong-xin
Legal System on Labor Law of China
HU Jia-qiang;LUAN Wei-hua
Confucius Living Philosophy
YANG Chao-yun
Agricultural Statues in Henan in the Han Dynasty
LI Feng
Life Cycle of the Industrial Clusters Based on the Overall Competition
ZHANG Ming-long;GUAN Zhong-zhang
Metropolization and the Choice of the Pattern of Chinese Regional Urbanization
YANG Jian-tao;FENG Shi-ji;GAO Jian-hua
Reason for the Features of Ra Line Words of Japanese
ZHANG Jian-fang;LUO Chuan-wei
Historical Development of Logical Trend in Linguistics
YANG Li-fang
An Analysis of the Artistic Charm in Tender Is the Night
ZHU Qing-ju
"Party" and Social Vicissitude in the Pre-Qin Days
ZHANG Qin-xia