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Journal of Luoyang University
2009 Issue 3
On the Structures and Functions of Class Ecology
Brief Discassion on the Writing Time of Zuosi's History-intoned Poems
ZHONG Zhi-qiang
On the Legalization of Reeducation System Through Labor
LIU Xiao-min;XIE Xiao-jian;CHEN Wei
The Positive Analysis on University Tuition in China
XING Yue-min;CHEN Hui-ying;LI Yong-mei
Comparison of Initial Establishment of Institutional Culture of Chinese Modem University
WANG Jie;ZHU Hong-chun;MA Xiao-bao
A Discussion of Moral Behavior in Marketing
FU Li-hua
A Graphical Study on Three-tone Temperament
ZHANG Yon-gan
Analysis of Tax Planning for Private Enterprises
LI Jing-sheng
The Function of Context in Verbal Communication
Barack Obama's Presidential Victory Speech: from the Perspective of Stylistics
WANG Bao-ling;LIU Xin-ling