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Chinese Quarterly of Mechanics
2008 Issue 2
li xue ji kan zheng gao jian ze
Damage Diagnosis Research on Offshore Platform
QI De-qing;LI Shuai;CAO Qiao-li;WANG jian-ping
Non-axisymmetrical Thermal Bending of Simply Supported Circular Plate
DONG Zheng-zhu;PENG Wei-hong;LI Fa-shan;LIU Jun
Crack-tip Constraint Effect Predicted by Neural Network
LI Hui-mei;WANG Zhong-xian
Deformation Analysis of Plane Thin-walled Clothoid Curved Girders
WANG Tong;LI Hong-jing
Thermal Stress Caused by Partial Discharge of an Air-containing Cavity
LUO Jia-cheng;GAO Cun-fa
Interior Noise Control and Acoustic Optimization of Laminated Composite Box Structures
WANG Dong-fang;HE Peng-fei;ZHU Xiao-ling;LIU Zi-shun
Viscoelastic Singular Behavior Near an Interface Edge
ZHENG Hui-miao;XU Jin-quan
Experimental Study on Rail Stress Measurement with Reflected Longitudinal Waves
LI Yong-pan;WANG Yin-guan;LIU Rui
Identification of Distributed Dynamic Load on Box-structure in Frequency Domain
JIANG Jin-hui;ZHANG Fang;FU Chun-tao
Transient Analysis of Thermal-stress Response on Base Course after Hot Asphalt Mixture is Paved
ZHENG Jin-yang;CHEN Yun-he;CHEN Zhi-yong;GAO Wei
Three-dimensional Finite Element Failure Analysis of Notched Composite Laminates
LU Guo-fu;LIU Yong;ZHANG Cheng-lin
Experimental Research on Anti-penetration Properties of Sandwich Plate with Aluminum Foam Core
ZHANG Ming-hua;ZHAO Heng-yi;CHEN He-shui
High Order Stress in Crack Tip Field for Three Dimension Crack
GUO Feng-ming;XU Jin-quan