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Fluid Machinery
2003 Issue 6
Application and Its prospect of Heat Pump Technique in Wuhan
wen yuan gao ; lian zhi wei ; liu dong hua
Experimental Research on Anti-cavitation Characteristics of Two-step Throttle in Water Hydraulic System
liao yi de ; liu yin shui ; huang yan ; li zhuang yun
Study on Optimum Scheme of Chiller System in District Cooling System
chen xiao ; zhang guo qiang ; wen jin xi
Design of Air Refrigeration System in Air Conditioning of Train
liu yun xia ; zhao yuan yang ; wang shang jin
Influence of Near-azeotropic Mixture Refrigerant Quantity on the Performance of the Refrigerator
guo hang ; liu zhi gang ; he mao gang ; zhang zhi ; ju zuo ; wu jiang tao
Analysis and Study of Ground Energy Exchanger
dai yuan de
Porinciple and Maintenance of T28AT DOUBLE Dry Gas Seal
liu zuo
Automatic Reversing Mechanisms of Serial Reciprocating Pump
xu gui yun ; liu jin de ; wei zhong cai
Calculation Research on the Monitoring and Concatenating System of Reciprocating Compressors
yang bo ; ni ji jun ; lv bi chao ; zhou fei ; gu chuan gang
Research on Computer Aided Test of Centrifugal Pump System
wang shi yong ; zhou shao ping ; su yong sheng ; li jian min
Application of Virtual Instrument Technology in Measurement of Dynamic Balancing of Dish Centrifuge
he shi zheng ; yu peng fei ; cai bo chun ; zhao guan zhong
Boundary Layer Equation's Solutions of Vanes in the Centrifugal Pump
zhu yu cai ; li li ; pan ai xian ; he xi jie
Numerical Calculation of Hydraulic Moment on the Adjustable Blades of an Axial Pump
wu sheng hui ; ni fu sheng
Numerical Investigation on 3-D Separate Flow of Butterfly Valve
zhu ge wei lin ; liu guang lin ; jiang jin ; fu xiang qian