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Journal of Cereals & Oils
2009 Issue 9
2009 nian di si ji du dao mi shi chang zhan wang
xing xin ting
Research on soybean lecithin compositions
LIU Fang-bo;LIU Yuan-fa;WANG Xing-guo
Study on physical properties of wheat resistant starch
SHAO Xiu-zhi;XIAO Yong-xia
Study on technology of extracting dietary fiber from wheat bran by enzymatic method
CAO Xin-zhi;LI Shen-xin;CHEN Yong-jing
Preparation process of potato oxidized starch with orthogonal experiment
TAN Yi-qiu;NONG Ke-liang
Study on application of pea flour in dried noodle
DU Lian-qi;GAO Li-na;DONG Yong
Study on influence of expanded black rice flour on dough properties and bread quality
ZHAN Wang-tao;DONG Hai-zhou;ZHU Chuan-he;WANG Qiang;ZHAO Jing
Analysis of Chinese cereals and oils market in July, 2009
LIU Zheng-min
2009 nian xin zuo hua sheng shou gou shi chang zhan wang
chen yan jun
Studies on development and utilization of pueraria lobata ohwi resources
ZHANG Chang-gui;WANG Xing-hua;XIE Wu-rong
Research advance on flavonoid luteolin
YANG Ying;SONG Shu-hui;XU Gui-hua