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History Teaching
2002 Issue 5
On the Moral Function of History Education in the Middle School
zhang nian hai
The Survey of Shi Guan in Tang Dynasty
yue chun zhi
Lu Zuofu and the Minsheng Spirit
wang yong
American Education during the Progressive Era
chen qi
The Unforgotten History
shang xiao yuan
mao ze dong dian ping shi ji
Emperor Kang Xi's Empress and His Daughters
zhou xi feng ; wang peng run
It is Urgent to Concern the Unhealthy Historical Play
he cheng gang
Bible and the Modern World
lan jun ping ; lu yun geng
A Brief Study about the Military Education In Sparta
wang sheng yun
The Training of the Liberal Arts Synthesis Capability
yuan zhao tong ; li jun hua
Inquire into the Training of the Multidiscipline Comprehensive Capability
li hong xun ; liu xin yu