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Journal of Liaoning University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
2015 Issue 2
On the Implication of Equality Category and Its Value of Times
LU Jierong;,ZHANG Yuxin;
The World Outlook Basis of the Harmonious Society
WANG Guotan;,XU Huijie;
The Everyday Life-world Basis of the Socialist Democracy Value
HE Lin;,ZHU Hongwei;
The Dialectical Freedom Thought of Core Socialist Values
WANG Guofu;,WANG Lina;
Modern Vision of Core Socialist Values
SHU Guifeng;
Technological Progress of the Change of Factor Income Share in China
XU Poling;,FENG Pijie;
The Managerial Legislation of Social Assistance in China
GANG Shuge;
On the Perfection of the Legal System of Maritime Injunction
GUANG Zhengyi;,WANG Lin;
ren wu jie shao