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Journal of Liaoning University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
2007 Issue 4
On Constituents of One-Sided Accomplice
TIAN Peng-hui;FAN De-an
Trace to the Source of Methodology on Max Weber's Sociology of Law
JIANG Chuan-guang;YANG Wen-jie
On Development Financial Governance Models and Innovation in China
LAI Ming-ming;MA Li
Analysis of Contemporary American Enterprise Ethics
ZHAO De-zhi
On the Theory of Huanglao's Fa in the Work Wen Zi
Research on the Foundation of the Hongguang Regime
LIU Zhong-ping
Thinking on Establishing China-South Korea FTA
YANG Shu-ming;CHEN Gong
The Effect of Thought Patterns on Textual Organization
HU Sheng-gao
Ezra Pound: An Imagist with Love for Chinese Culture
Misery Consciousness in The Crescent Moon
LI Ling