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Communications in Theoretical Physics
2015 Issue 8
Instructions to Authors
Symmetry Reduction of the(2+1)-Dimensional Modified Dispersive Water-Wave System
MA Zheng-Yi;FEI Jin-Xi;DU Xiao-Yang;Department of Mathematics;Zhejiang Lishui University;Department of Mathematics;Zhejiang Sci-Tech University;Department of Electronics;Zhejiang Lishui University;
Stationary States and Modulational Instability of Coupled Two-Component Bose–Einstein Condensates in a Ring Trap
DENG Hai-Ming;ZHONG Hong-Hua;HUANG Jia-Hao;DAI Hui;YAO Min;HUANG Xiao-Yi;School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering;Xiangnan University;School of Physics and Engineering;Sun Yat-sen University;Department of Physics;Jishou University;
Evolution of Dissipative Anisotropic Expansion-Free Axial Fluids
M.Sharif;Zunaira Nasir;Department of Mathematics;University of the Punjab;Quaid-i-Azam Campus;
New Agegraphic Pilgrim Dark Energy in f(T, T_G) Gravity
Abdul Jawad;Ujjal Debnath;Department of Mathematics;COMSATS Institute of Information Technology;Department of Mathematics;Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology;
Colored Noises-Induced Regime Shifts in a Vegetation Ecological System
HAN Qing-Lin;ZENG Jia-Kui;YANG Tao;ZHANG Chun;LONG Fei;FU Yun-Chang;ZENG Chun-Hua;Faculty of Science;Kunming University of Science and Technology;Center of Metallurgical Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction;Ministry of Education;Kunming University of Science and Technology;
The Effect of Spin-Orbit Coupling and Spin-Spin Coupling of Compact Binaries on Chaos
WANG Hong;HUANG Guo-Qing;Department of Physics;Nanchang University;
SUSY-QCD Effects in Top Quark Pair Production in Association with a Gluon at the ILC
ZHANG Yan-Ming;LIU Ning;Institute of Theoretical Physics;Henan Normal University;
Perturbation to Mei Symmetry and Adiabatic Invariants for Disturbed El-Nabulsi’s Fractional Birkhoff System
SONG Chuan-Jing;ZHANG Yi;College of Science;Nanjing University of Science and Technology;College of Civil Engineering;Suzhou University of Science and Technology;
The Analytical Parametrization of Fusion Barrier by Using the Skyrme Energy-Density Function Model
V.Zanganeh;M.Mirzaei;N.Wang;Department of Physics;Sciences Faculty;Golestan University;Department of Physics;Guangxi Normal University;
Role of Surface Energy Coefficients and Temperature in the Fusion Reactions Induced by Weakly Bound Projectiles
R.Gharaei;O.N.Ghodsi;Department of Physics;Sciences Faculty;Hakim Sabzevari University;Department of Physics;Sciences Faculty;University of Mazandaran;
Hopf Bifurcation in a New Four-Dimensional Hyperchaotic System
LI Xin;YAN Zhen-Ya;Key Laboratory of Mathematics Mechanization;Institute of Systems Science;AMSS;Chinese Academy of Sciences;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Changshu Institute of Technology;
Numerical Simulation of Antennas with Improved Integral Equation Method
MA Ji;FANG Guang-You;LU Wei;Laboratory of Electromagnetic Radiation and Sensing Technology;Institute of Electronics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Roles of Superthermal Electrons and Adiabatic Heavy Ions on Heavy-Ion-Acoustic Solitary and Shock Waves in a Multi-Component Plasma
M.G.Shah;M.M.Rahman;M.R.Hossen;A.A.Mamun;Department of Physics;Jahangirnagar University;Department of Natural Sciences;Daffodil International University;
A Comprehensive Numerical Investigation on the Mechanical Properties of Hetero-Junction Carbon Nanotubes
Ali Ghavamian;Andreas chsner;School of Engineering;Griffith University;Gold Coast Campus;
Critical Behaviors and Universality Classes of Percolation Phase Transitions on Two-Dimensional Square Lattice
ZHU Yong;YANG Zi-Qing;ZHANG Xin;CHEN Xiao-Song;State Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics;Institute of Theoretical Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Structural, Elastic, and Electronic Properties of a New Phase of Carbon
XING Meng-Jiang;LI Bin-Hua;YU Zheng-Tao;CHEN Qi;Faculty of Information Engineering & Automation;Kunming University of Science and Technology;
Structural and Optical Properties of Point Defects in α-SiO2 Cluster
LIU Meng;LU Peng-Fei;YANG Yang;WU Li-Yuan;SU Rui;CHEN Jun;State Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications;Ministry of Education;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics;
Influences of the Structure of Lipids on Thermal Stability of Lipid Membranes
HAI Nan-Nan;ZHOU Xin;LI Ming;School of Physics;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;