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Communications in Theoretical Physics
2015 Issue 1
Two Hierarchies of New Differential-Difference Equations Related to the Darboux Transformations of the Kaup–Newell Hierarchy
ZHOU Ru-Guang;CHEN Jie;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Jiangsu Normal University;
Instructions to Authors
CRE Method for Solving m Kd V Equation and New Interactions Between Solitons and Cnoidal Periodic Waves
JIAO Xiang-Li;LOU Sen-Yue;Faculty of Science;Ningbo University;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Trustworthy Computing;East China Normal University;
Construction of Coarse-Grained Models by Reproducing Equilibrium Probability Density Function
LU Shi-Jing;ZHOU Xin;Institute of Modern Physics;Zhejiang University;School of Physics;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
An Enlarged Canonical Quantization Scheme and Quantization of a Free Particle on Two-Dimensional Sphere
ZHANG Zhong-Shuai;XIAO Shi-Fa;XUN Da-Mao;LIU Quan-Hui;School for Theoretical Physics;School of Physics and Electronics;Hunan University;Department of Physics;Zhanjiang Normal University;Faculty of Communication and Electronics;Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University;
New Exact Solutions of Fractional Zakharov–Kuznetsov and Modified Zakharov–Kuznetsov Equations Using Fractional Sub-Equation Method
S. Saha Ray;S. Sahoo;Department of Mathematics National Institute of Technology;Rourkela;Orissa- 769008;India;
On Hidden Symmetries of d > 4 NHEK-N-Ad S Geometry
XU Jie;YUE Rui-Hong;Faculty of Science;Ningbo University;
Two-Point Resistance of a Cobweb Network with a 2r Boundary
TAN Zhi-Zhong;FANG Jing-Hua;Department of Physics;Nantong University;
Qubit Approach to the Topological Degeneracy of 4 and 6-Quasihole Pfaffian Paired Hall State
CUI Hai-Tao;TIAN Jun-Long;YANG Gui;School of Physics and Electric Engineering;Anyang Normal University;
Analytical Solutions of a Model for Brownian Motion in the Double Well Potential
LIU Ai-Jie;ZHENG Lian-Cun;MA Lian-Xi;ZHANG Xin-Xin;School of Mathematics and Physics;University of Science and Technology Beijing;Department of Physics;Blinn College;
Periodic Wave, Solitary Wave and Compacton Solutions of a Nonlinear Wave Equation with Degenerate Dispersion
ZHU Wen-Jing;CHEN Ai-Yong;LIU Qi-Huai;School of Mathematics and Computing Science;Guilin University of Electronic Technology;
A Study of One S- and One P-Wave Heavy Meson Interaction in a Chiral Quark Model
LI Ming-Tao;WANG Wen-Ling;DONG Yu-Bing;ZHANG Zong-Ye;Institute of High Energy Physics;P.O. Box 918-4;Theoretical Physics Center for Science Facilities;CAS;School of Physics and Nuclear Energy Engineering;Beihang University;
All-Optical Switching between Optical Bistability and Multistability via Exciton Spin Relaxation
Asadpour Seyyed Hossein;Rahimpour Soleimani Hamid;Department of Physics;University of Guilan;
An Exotic Phase Change in Dynamic Electrorheological Fluids
Tang Qiang-Guo;HUANG Jun-Ying;LI Cong;ZHENG Jie;MENG Xian-Wen;HUANG Ji-Ping;ZHOU Lu-Wei;Department of Physics and State Key Laboratory of Surface Physics;Fudan University;College of Information Technology;Shanghai Ocean University;
Extreme Ultraviolet Sources Generation by Using the Two-Color Multi-Cycle Weak Inhomogeneous Field
FENG Li-Qiang;LI Wen-Liang;College of Science;Liaoning University of Technology;State Key Laboratory of Molecular Reaction Dynamics;Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences;Xinjiang Institute of Engineering;
Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Mixed Convection Heat Transfer in a Driven Cavity with Non-uniform Heating of the Bottom Wall
Soufiene Bettaibi;Ezeddine Sediki;Fr′ed′eric Kuznik;Sauro Succi;UR: Rayonnement Thermique;Facult′e des Sciences de Tunis;Universit′e de Tunis El Manar 2092 Tunis;Tunisia;INSA-Lyon;CETHIL;F-69621 Villeurbanne;France;Universit′e de Lyon;CNRS;UMR5008;F-69622 Villeurbanne;France;Research Director;IAC-CNR;Rome Via dei Taurini 19;00185;Roma;
Phonon Excitation and Energy Redistribution in Phonon Space for Energy Dissipation and Transport in Lattice Structure with Nonlinear Dispersion
XU Zhi-Jie;Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate;Pacific Northwest National Laboratory;
Conductance Spectra in Graphene-Superconductor Junctions
TIAN Jie;ZHOU Shi-Ping;DENG Zhen-Yan;Department of Physics;Shanghai University;
Code Optimization, Frozen Glassy Phase and Improved Decoding Algorithms for Low-Density Parity-Check Codes
HUANG Hai-Ping;Department of Computational Intelligence and Systems Science;Tokyo Institute of Technology;