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Communications in Theoretical Physics
2010 Issue 12
Augmented Kierlik-Rosinberg Fundamental Measure Functional and Extension of Fundamental Measure Functional to Inhomogeneous Non-hard Sphere Fluids
ZHOU Shi-Qi State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy; Central South University; Changsha 410083; China School of Physics Science and Technology; Central South University; Changsha 410083; China
Gravitational Contributions to Running of Gauge Couplings
TANG Yong and WU Yue-Liang Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics China ; Key Laboratory of Frontiers in Theoretical Physics; Institute of Theoretical Physics; Chinese Academy of Science; Beijing 100190; China
Difference of Directions Between External Driving Force and Movement Direction of Center of Mass
WANG Cang-Long DUAN Wen-Shan~ CHEN Jian-Min and YANG Xiu-Feng 1 Department of Physics; Northwest Normal University; Lanzhou 730070; China 2 State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication; Lanzhou institute of Chemical Physics; Chinese Academy of Science; Lanzhou 730000; China
Quantum-Dot Spin-Based Secret Sharing in an Optical Microcavity
ZHANG Ying-Qiao~* ZHANG Shou YEON Kyu-Hwang;~2 and YU Seong-Cho~2 1 Department of Physics; College of Science; Yanbian University; Yanji 133002; China 2 BK21 Physics Program and Department of Physics; College of Natural Sciences; Chungbuk National University; Cheongju; Chungbuk; 361-763; Korea
Standing,Periodic and Solitary Waves in (1+1)-Dimensional Caudry-Dodd-Gibbon-Sawada-Kortera System
ZHENG Chun-Long QIANG Ji-Ye and WANG Shao-Hua~1 1 School of Physics and Electromechanical Engineering; Shaoguan University; Shaoguan 512005; China 2 Agronomy College.Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology and Ecology in South China; Ministry of Agriculture Nanjing Agricultural University; Nanjing 210095; China 3 College of Physics and Mathematics; Zhejiang Lishui University; Lishui 323000; China 4 Tobacco College; Yunnan Agricultural University; Kunming 650201; China
Bcklund Transformation and Multisoliton Solutions in Terms of Wronskian Determinant for (2+1)-Dimensional Breaking Soliton Equations with Symbolic Computation
QIN Bo TIAN Bo~+ LIU Li-Cai MENG Xiang-Hua and LIU Wen-Jun 1 School of Science; P.O.Box 122; Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications; Beijing 100876; China 2 State Key Laboratory of Software Development Environment; Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics; Beijing 100191; China 3 Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications ; Ministry of Education; P.O.Box 128; Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications; Beijing 100876; China
Finite Order Batalin-Fradkin-Tyutin Method for Chiral Bosons in Non-commutative Space
Monemzadeh Majid;* Nikoofard Vahid;~+ and Taki Mehran~ Department of Physics; University of Kashan; Kashan; Iran
Neumann Boundary Conditions Inhibiting SSB in Coleman-Weinberg Mechanism
F.N.Fagundes; R.O.Francisco; B.B.Dilem; and J.A.Nogueira~+ Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo; Brasil
{Q}{(’)s}Molecular States in QCD Sum Rules
ZHANG Jian-Rong and HUANG Ming-Qiu Department of Physics; National University of Defense Technology; Hunan 410073; China
Searching for Flavor-Changing Neutral-Current Signals via e~+e~-(γγ)→th_t~0 in Topcolor-Assisted Technicolor Model
LU Gong-Ru and HAN Jin-Zhong College of Physics and Information Engineering; Henan Normal University; Xinxiang 453007; China
Temporal Behavior of Low-Amplitude Grey Spatial Solitons in Biased Two-Photon Photorefractive Crystals
JIANG Qi-Chang~+ SU Yan-Li; and JI Xuan-Mang Department of Physics and Electronic Engineering; Yuncheng University; Yuncheng 044000; China
Painlevé Integrability of Nonlinear Schrdinger Equations with both Space-and Time-Dependent Coefficients
Kyoung Ho Han~1 and H.J.Shin~ 1 Department of Multimedia; Korea Nazarenen University; Choongnam 330-718; Korea 2 Department of Physics and Research Institute of Basic Sciences; Kyung Hee University; Seoul 130-701; Korea
Instructions to Authors
Two Types of Expanding Lie Algebra and New Expanding Integrable Systems
DONG Huan-He ;~1 WANG Hui ;~ and YANG Ji-Ming~1 1 College of Information Science and Engineering; Shandong University of Science and Technology; Qingdao 266510; China 2 Department of Mathematics; Shanghai University; Shanghai 200444; China
Preparation of Squeezed State and Entanglement State Between Vibrational Motion of Trapped Ion and Light
WANG Zhong-Jie Department of Physics;Anhui Normal University;Wuhu 241000;China
A Super Generalization of KdV6 Equation
ZUO Da-Feng Department of Mathematics; University of Science and Technology of China; Hefei 230026; China
New Explicit Solutions of (1+1)-Dimensional Variable-Coefficient Broer-Kaup System
YAN Zhi-Lian ~ and ZHOU Jian-Ping 1 School of Mathematics and Physics; Anhui University of Technology; Maanshan 243002; China 2 School of Computer Science; Anhui University of Technology; Maanshan 243002; China
General Covariant Conservation Law of Energy-Momentum in f(R)Gravity
TIAN Miao and ZHAO Li 1 School of Mathematics; Physics and Software Engineering; Lanzhou Jiaotong University; Lanzhou 730070; China 2 Institute of Theoretical Physics; Lanzhou University; Lanzhou 730000; China
Surface Corrugation in Rotational and Diffractive Scattering of O2 from LiF(001)
XU Kai CHEN Xiang-Rong~+ WEI Dong-Qing and GOU Qing-Quan 1 Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics;College of Physical Science and Technology;Sichuan University;Chengdu 610064;China 2 International Centre for Materials Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shenyang 110016;China 3 College of Life Science and Biotechnology;Shanghai Jiaotong University;Shanghai 200240;China
A Hierarchy of Compatibility and Comeasurability Levels in Quantum Logics with Unique Conditional Probabilities
Gerd Niestegge~* Zillertalstrasse 39; 81373 Muenchen; Germany
Proposed Entanglement Swapping in Continuous Variable Systems via Braiding
SU Hong-Yi~1 CHEN Jing-Ling~+ DENG Dong-Ling and WU Chun-Feng 1 Theoretical Physics Division; Chern Institute of Mathematics; Nankai University; Tianjin 300071; China 2 Centre for Quantum Technologies and Department of Physics; National University of Singapore; 117543; Singapore
Quantum Anti-Zeno Effect in Artificial Quantum Systems
AI Qing and LIAO Jie-Qiao Institute of Theoretical Physics; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100190; China
Three-Dimensional Lattice Boltzmann Model for High-Speed Compressible Flows
CHEN Feng XU Ai-Guo ZHANG Guang-Cai and LI Ying-Jun 1 State Key Laboratory for GeoMechanics and Deep Underground Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology ;Beijing 100083;China 2 National Key Laboratory of Computational Physics;Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics; P.O.Box 8009-26;Beijing 100088;China
Klein Paradox and Disorder-Induced Delocalization of Dirac Quasiparticles in One-Dimensional Systems
YUAN Jian-Hui ;CHENG Ze YIN Miao ;ZENG Qi-Jun and ZHANG Jun-Pei Department of Physics;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;Wuhan 430074;China
Magnetic Manipulation of Massless Dirac Fermions in Graphene Quantum Dot
LIN Xin PAN Hui and XU Huai-Zhe Department of Physics;Beihang University;Beijing 100191;China
Tunneling Conductance in dx2-y2+idxy Mixed Wave Superconductor Graphene Junctions
LI Xiao-Wei Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Chemistry of Low-Dimensional Materials;Huaiyin Normal University;Huanyin 223300;China School of Physics and Electronic Electrical Engineering;Huaiyin Normal University;Huaian 223300;China
Quantum Secure Direct Communication and Quantum Sealed-Bid Auction with EPR Pairs
WANG Zhang-Yin Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Information Acquisition & Manipulation of Ministry of Education of China; School of Physics & Material Science; Anhui University; Hefei 230039; China
A Singlet State Generated with SQUIDs in Cavity QED
XIE Lin; CHEN Li-Bo; and GU Yong-Jian Department of Physics; Ocean University of China; Qingdao 266100; China
Teleportation Capability of Six-Qubit Cluster State
ZHA Xin-Wei~+ and SONG Hai-Yang School of Science; Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications; Xi’an 710121; China
Two Approaches for Indirect Teleportation with Partially Entangled States
ZHANG Zi-Yun~1 LIU Yi-Min XU Chun-Jie ZHANG Wen and ZHANG Zhan-Jun 1 School of Physics & Material Science; Anhui University; Hefei 230039; China 2 Department of Physics; Shaoguan University; Shaoguan 512005; China
Increasing Success Probability of a Probabilistic Quantum Teleportation
XU Chun-Jie~1 LIU Yi-Min ZHANG Wen and ZHANG Zhan-Jun 1 School of Physics & Materials Science; Anhui University; Hefei 230039; China 2 Department of Physics; Shaoguan University; Shaoguan 512005; China
Quantum Secret Sharing Using GHZ-Like State
Chao-Ren Hsieh; Chia-Wei Tasi~+ and Tzonelih Hwang Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering; National Cheng Kung University; Tainan City 701; Taiwan; China
Frequency in Middle of Magnon Band Gap in a Layered Ferromagnetic Superlattice
QIU Rong-Ke ZHAO Jian ;and YING Cai-Hong Shenyang University of Technology;Shenyang 110870;China
An Extended Optimal Velocity Model with Consideration of Honk Effect
TANG Tie-Qiao;~+ LI Chuan-Yao HUANG Hai-Jun and SHANG Hua-Yan 1 School of Transportation Science and Engineering;Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Beijing 100191; China 2 School of Economics and Management;Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Beijing 100191;China 3 Information College;Capital University of Economics and Business;Beijing 100070;China
Perturbation Effects of Ion Screening to Leptons in Type-Ⅱ Supernova
XIA Xiong-Ping~* YI Lin;and LIANG Jian-Chu Department of Physics;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;Wuhan 430074;China