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Communications in Theoretical Physics
2007 Issue 10
Nonclasssical Properties in Two-Mode Fields Resonantly Interacting with a Three-Level [Ⅰ]-Type Atom
SU Wan-Jun;ZENG Xiao-Meng;ZHONG Zhi-Rong
Lattice Boltzmann Simulation for the Spiral Wave Dynamics
DENG Min-Yi;SHI Juan;CHEN Rui-Xiong;KONG Ling-Jiang;LIU Mu-Ren
A Stochastic Description of Transition Between Granular Flow States
HUANG De-Cai;SUN Gang;LU Kun-Quan
Formation Mechanism and Binding Energy for Body-Centred Regular Octahedral Structure of Li7 Cluster
MA Hai-Rong;LI Ping;GOU Qing-Quan;LI Hui-Li
The Role of Potential Structure in Excitation Functions of Synthesizing Superheavy Nuclei
JIA Fei;HUANG Tian-Heng;XU Hu-Shan;LI Jun-Qing;WANG Nan;W. Scheid
A Detailed Study of Pre-scission γ Emission as a Probe of Nuclear Dissipation
WU Feng;YE Wei;CHEN Na
Ω(ε)States in a Chiral Quark Model
WANG Wen-Ling;HUANG Fei;ZHANG Zong-Ye;YU You-Wen;LIU Feng
Use of Dispersion Relations in ππ and K(K) Coupled-Channel System
XIAO Zhi-Guang;ZHENG Han-Qing
Twisted Duality Symmetry and Integrability of Hybrid Superstring on AdS2×S2
XIE Xiao-Ning;YUE Rui-Hong
Fermionic Zero Modes in Self-dual Vortex Background on a Torus
LIU Yu-Xiao;WANG Yong-Qiang;DUAN Yi-Shi
Integrability of a New Type of Deformed XXZ Model
CAO Li-Ke;KE San-Min;YUE Rui-Hong
Annihilation Solitons and Chaotic Solitons for the (2+1)-Dimensional Breaking Soliton System
MA Song-Hua;QIANG Ji-Ye;FANG Jian-Ping
Quantum Phase Gates for Trapped Ions via Adiabatic Passage
ZHENG Shi-Biao
Novel Wronskian Solutions to Boussinesq Equation
YAO Yu-Qin;LIU Yu-Qing;JI Jie;CHEN Deng-Yuan
Prolongation Structure of Semi-discrete Nonlinear Evolution Equations
BAI Yong-Qiang;WU Ke;GUO Han-Ying;ZHAO Wei-Zhong
Relationship Among Solutions of a Generalized Riccati Equation
LIU Xiao-Ping;LIU Chun-Ping
Unified Symmetry of Nonholonomic System of Non-Chetaev's Type with Variable Mass in Event Space
HOU Qi-Bao;LI Yuan-Cheng;XIA Li-Li;WANG Jing
Quantum Teleportation of One-to-Many Using (n+1)-Particle Entanglement
SHA Jin-Qiao;FANG Jian-Xing;JIANG Wei-Xing
Steady State Properties of One-Dimensional Non-uniform Granular Gases Subjected to Gaussian White Noise Driving
ZHANG Duan-Ming;ZHU Hong-Ying;LI Rui;CHEN Zhi-Yuan;ZHANG Ling
Specific Heat of Hollow Nanosphere Coupled to Substrate: Quantum Size Effects
YIN Xue-Ai;LUO Bo;LIU Fei;YI Lin
Electronic Structure and Magnetic Properties of Cr-Doped AlN
CHEN Hong;ZHANG Jun-Feng;YUAN Hong-Kuan
Attack Vulnerability of Network with Duplication-Divergence Mechanism
WANG Li;YAN Jia-Ren;LIU Zi-Ran;ZHANG Jian-Guo
Instructions to Authors
Error Thresholds in Single-Peak Gaussian Distributed Fitness Landscapes
FENG Xiao-Li;GU Jian-Zhong;LI Yu-Xiao;ZHUO Yi-Zhong
Complex Wave Excitations in Generalized Broer-Kaup System
ZHENG Chun-Long;FEI Jin-Xi
Cavity QED Scheme for Realizing Entanglement Swapping
YANG Zhen-Biao
Entanglement Transfer Between Cavity Fields and Excitons in a Driven Quantum Dot System
ZENG Tian-Hai;SHAO Bin;ZOU Jian
Quantum Secure Communication Scheme with W State
WANG Jian;ZHANG Quan;TANG Chao-Jing