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Communications in Theoretical Physics
2002 Issue 2
Thermal Shifts and Electron-Phonon Interactions of 4T2 and 4T1 Broad Bands for Ruby
MA Dong-Ping;MA Ning;CHEN Ju-Rong
Hysteresis of the Magnetic Particle in a Dipolar Ising Model
WU Yin-Zhong;LI Zhen-ya
The Critical Properties of One-Dimensional Extended Hubbard Model
A Fractal Model for the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Granular Flow with Non-uniform Particles
ZHANG Duan-Ming;LEI Ya-Jie;YU Bo-Ming;ZHANG Mei-jun;HUANG Ming-Tao;LI Zhi-Hua;GUAN LI
Molecular Dynamics Study of Gases H2, D2 and T2
YANG Chuan-lu;ZHU Zheng-He;WANG Rong;ZHANG Zhi-Hong;REN Ting-qi;WANG Ming-Da;ZHANG Yong-Ming;TANG Yong-jian;ZHENG Zhi-Jian;ZHAO Yong-Kuan
K+ Scattering with the Nuclear Pion from Chiral Effective Lagrangian
TAN Yu-Hong;ZHANG Xiao-Bing;LI Lei;NING Ping-Zhi
Top Quark Pair Production at e+e- Colliders in the Topcolor-Assisted Technicolor Model
HUANG Jin-Shu;XIONG Zhao-Hua;LU Gong-Ru
The Effective Degree of Freedom of Low Energy QCD
PANG Hou-Rong;PING Jia-Lun;WANG Fan
Study on the Baryon State X Produced in the Process J/ψ→ p+X, X → p + P
SHEN Qi-Xing;YU Hong;LI De-min
Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment in the Supersymmetric Models with and Without Right-Handed Neutrinos
FENG Tai-Fu;HUANG Tao;LI Xue-Qian;LIU Xiang;ZHANG Xin-Min
Structure of Hamiltonian Matrix and the Shape of Eigenfunctions: Nuclear Octupole Deformation Model
XING Yong-Zhong;LI Jun-Qing;LIU Fang;ZUO Wei
Moments and Mean First-Passage Time of Parabolic-Bistable Potential System Driven by Colored Noise
LIANG Gui-Yun;CAO Li;KE Sheng-Zhi;WU Da-Jin
Accessible Information for Equally-Distant Partially-Entangled Alphabet State Resource
HAO San-ru;HOU Bo-Yu;XI Xiao-qiang;YUE Rui-Hong