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Theory horizon
2015 Issue 5
Analysis of Lenin's Theory of Intellectuals
Gu Shaojie;
About the Interests' Integration of the Ruling Party from Politics by Internet
Liu Yading;,Liu Haichao;
wo guo nong ye bao xian fa zhan cun zai de wen ti ji dui ce
zhang yu jie ;
On the Moral Connotation of Socialist Core Values
Lai Xuemei;
The Legal System of German Circular Economy
Zhai Wei;
The Eco-criticism against Capitalism by Foster
Du Xiujuan;
The Essence of Engineering——A Perspective of Philosophy
Zheng Xiaosong;
A Research of The School of Place Eunuch in Ming Court
Li Jing;,Liu Zhanfeng;
Discussion on the Scope and Focus of Negation
Wang Lei;
The Linguistic Views of the Ecology of Language Evolution and its' Values
Zhu Minxia;,Zhang Qingbin;
da xue sheng she hui guan zhu du yu she hui ze ren pei yang lu jing yan jiu
tao shu hui ;, ji zuo ;
guan yu da xue sheng jiu ye fa lv wen ti tan suo
liu yi ni ;
qian yi gao xiao xue xi xing dang zu zhi jian she lu jing
luo xing shan ;
gao zhi jiao yu zhong wai yu de fu zhu zuo yong
dang bing ;