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Phosphate & Compound Fertilizer
2002 Issue 6
Design options for phosphate plants
cai xiao zai
zhuan li jie shao
wang yuan zuo
Determination of P2O5 by gravimetric quinolinium molybdophosphate method
fan ning ; yi zuo juan
Improving the technology for production of BB fertilizer
tao xing he ; gan ri wang ; shu fei
Technology for production of compound fertilizer by agglomeration process
zhong yu zhu ; wang long kang ; zhang li lei
The present status of BB fertilizer in China
hu yun ; zhu hong cheng
Production of SSP with high -Mg phosphorite
xie wen jun
The metricing correlation between Si and F in production of SSP
hu liang ; li hu ping ; luo kang bi
Determining the density of acidic AP slurry
tang sheng wei ; yang zong wei ; zhang quan zhong ; liang bin
Macroscopic view of fertilizers and ecological study
zuo zhen bang
Effect of acidity on the concentration of folliage fertilizer
han xiao zuo ; wang xiong ; kong xiang yun ; chen min
Employment of a new type shell- and -tube heat exchanger
zhang zhi xiao ; zuo zhi zheng
World sulfur supply and demand: situation and outlook
luo bo te mo rui si ; fan ming xian
Anti -corrosion treatment of large- scale PA reactor
hua bai nan ; zhu li hong ; guo cheng xiu
Technology of fertilizer- grade and commercial WPA production
yang jian zhong
Study and practice on raising the capacity of φ1.8 m × 3 m ball mill
cao cheng gang ; tang xin min ; tang shao bing