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Phosphate & Compound Fertilizer
2002 Issue 4
The design of a volute burner for natural gas
lv bing hang ; wang zhao hong
Synthesis of aluminum tripolyphosphate and its application
liu you fa ; liu li ya
gu an suan mu ye sheng chan you ji - wu ji fu hun fei
wei feng ju ; wang fei
ce tu pei fang shi fei de ying yong
ni rui ; zhao hui
tong gao
lin fei yu fu fei bian ji bu
fu zhi suan bao mo niao su
feng yuan zuo
zhuan li jie shao
wang yuan zuo
Field trials of specialty pesticide fertilizer for konjak
yu yun feng ; xu song lin ; fei fu hua ; li song
Application of double drum filter in nitrophosphate plant
sun zhi yan
Application of H3PO4/NH3 ratio control in double closed circuit production of DAP
lin yuan ming ; chen xu ying ; hong min
Selection of hot- blast stove for drying of powdered AP(minifos)
wang cheng qing
A perspective of phosphate fertilizer industry in China
zhou jie ; bai shan
Discussion on green food and fertilizer
cai liang
Study on phosphate rock - sulfuric acid reaction kinetics in manufacture of SSP
wang guang long ; zhang bao lin
Treatment of acidic fluoride -containing waste water
wei lan ; li guo ping
Ferrous fertilizer and its requirements of use
he xu sheng
A review on the recovery and utilization of heat energy from combustion of phosphorus
mei yi ; song yao zu ; yang ya bin ; huang xiao yang
Practice & consideration of utilizing waste heat from SA plant
wang xiang ming ; wang zuo
Cleaning of water deposit on the stainless steel concentrated SA cooler with anodic protection
zhang jun jie ; zuo jing qiang ; wang lin feng
The cause of high content of calcium in feed- grade DCP
chen bai sheng
The cause of scaling in concentration heater and its modification measures
li dian ; li zhao feng ; guo xu