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Phosphate & Compound Fertilizer
1998 Issue 1
Production of potassium salt in Israel
Li Yongtao
Preparation of specialty fertilizer for sugar-beet & its availability
Chai Zhongfu;Wang Defen
Effect of dressing TSP in phosphorus-deficient soil for early rice
ZHANG Jiguo;Jian Baoru;Zhang Jin
Present state arid development of fertilizer application system in China
Pang Weiqun;Li Xueyong
Comparison of LUXECOTE controlled release fertilizer with some similar products abroad
Li Diping;Wang Haobin;Xu Xiucheng
Revamping drying section in compound fertilizer plant
Shu Yicheng
Analysis of blocking accident in Venturi scrubber
Chen Jielong
Raising production of AP by improving process technology
Hong Jianhua
Effect of some factors on wash efficiency of phosphogypsum
Jin Tongyi;Wei Huilin;Liu Jianping;Du Chengzhou
Selection of pipeline and valves in PA & AP Plants
Yao Yongfa
Some technical innovations in production of SSP
Qu Ying;WANG Jinting;Li Weiguo
Technical revamping for expanding capacity of SSP Plant
Zhu Qiyue
Reutilization of fluoride sludge in production of dicalcium phosphate
Zhao Huanxiang;Ding Jianlong
Removal of impurity Mg2+,Al3+ ,F-etc. From wet PA by double salt precipitation method
Yin Xianguo;He Peirong;Li Huiling
Study on macro-kinetics of ammoniation of PA
Cui Ping;Liu Qichong;Wang Jianhua