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Clinical Medication Journal
2008 Issue 6
Relief severe pain in oral cavity caused by chemothery and radiation injury in cancer patients with transdermal fentanyl
Lu Chong;Liu Kui-feng;Shu Yang-chun;Wang Xin-ning;Wang Xi-cheng;Wen Zong-qiu
Bare Side-Effects Caused by Montelukast
Pei Zhen-e
Therapeutic regimen analysis of an acute bronchial asthma case
Cheng Zhen-tian;Li Yan-ming;Ji Li-wei;Zhang Ya-tong;Liu Zhi-jun
On the Clinical Pharmaceutical Care by One Case
Jiang Jun
Clinical Use of Transdermal Drug Delivery System
Wu Jiu-hong;Xue Ke-chang
Pharmacothcrapy of ANCA Associatedsm All Vasculitis
Wu Qing-jun;Tang Fu-lin
Evidence-based Medicine and Its New Development
Zhan Si-yan
Evaluating Coronary Drugs Potency by Evidence-based Medicine
Shi Hai-ming
Overview of the Treatment for Neuromyelitis Optica
Zhao Mang-suo;Geng Tong-chao
The Treating Direction of Clinic Lipid Controlling Drugs
Zhao Wang;Zhao Shui-ping
Innovative Evidence and Strategy in Curing Hypertension
Guo Dan-jie