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China Forest Products Industry
2013 Issue 6
Status Quo and Development of China's Wood Adhesive Industry
ZHANG Zhong-tao;
The Management and the Recycle of Waste CCA Treated Wood
MA Xiao-jun;,TANG Zhen-zhong;,YU Li-li;,ZHU Li-zhi;
Manufacture of Desulphurization Gypsum Fiberboard
CAI Chang-wen;,HUANG Ru;,MA Zhen-xiang;,TANG Zhao-fa;,ZHENG Xi-long;
The Characteristics of TVOC, Aldehyde and Ketone Emissions from Continuous Hot-press
LU Zhi-gang;,YANG Jian;,ZHANG Hai-jun;,ZHANG Pei-pei;,ZHOU Han-dong;
Cutting Force Analysis of Caragana
AN Zhen;,HONG Ling;
Research on the Process of Masson Pine Wood Treated with Furfuryl-alcohol Based on Composite Organic Acid Catalyst
HE Li;,LI Wan-ju;,WANG Hao;,YU Yan;,YU Yun-shui;
Structural Features of Wheat Straw Lignin Modified by Ionic Liquid [Bmim]Cl/AlCl3
CHENG Ming-juan;,HONG Shu;,LIAN Hai-lan;
Activated Carbon Prepared from Phoenix Tree Leaves Using Phosphoric Acid Activation and Its Characters
GU Jie;,LIU Bin;,MA Ye;,YANG Ji-liang;,ZHOU Jian-bin;
Development and Application of FD1146 Timber Stress Grading Machine
WANG Jian-gong;,WANG Shuang-yong;,YANG Jian-hua;,ZHANG Wei;,ZHOU Hai-bin;
Application of Carbonized Glued Laminated Bamboo in Bamboo Structure Construction
SHU Bi-qing;,XIAO Zhong-ping;,ZHANG Su-jun;
Construction and Mechanical Properties of Sandwich Composites with Wooden Skin and Honey-comb Core
HAO Jing-xin;,LIU Wen-jin;,WU Xin-feng;
Discussion of Thermal Vocabulary Related to Wood Drying and Heat-treatment
YI Song-lin;,ZHANG Bi-guang;,ZHOU Yong-dong;
Antimold and Waterproof Properties of the Bamboo Glulam Painted with Silane Modified Acrylate Latex
FEI Ben-hua;,QIN Dao-chun;,ZHANG Lu-sheng;,ZHANG Rong;
ji yu hui hou li yong de shi yuan hui qian qi ce hua fang fa
zhang yi jia ;
xin xi dong tai