The study of vowels with computer voice analysis in trained singer
GE Pingjiang;LI Yan;PENG Lijia;LI Jingyuan;LU Chuan;ZHANG Siyi;CHEN Shaohua;Department of Otolaryngology;Guangdong General Hospital;Guangdong Academy of Medical Science;Xinghai Conservatory of Music;
The efficacy of three different ways of CPAP pressure titration in OSAHS
CUI Weina;ZHANG Yan;LI Xixing;WANG Jiantao;YANG Jianwang;LI Zhe;Deportment of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery;the Second Affiliated Hopsital of Hebei Medical University;Deportment of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery;the General Hospital of Huainan Oriental Hospital Group;