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Journal of Lanzhou University(Medical Sciences)
2015 Issue 4
Experimental study of tissue-engineered adipose constructed by co-culture system of hADSCs and HUVEC with silk fibroin scaffolds in vitro
Liu Gang-qiang;Zhang Cheng;Liu Yi;Kang Ting;Wang Gang;Center of Burns and Plastic Surgery of PLA;Lanzhou General Hospital of Lanzhou Military Command;
Experimental study on protection of 17β-E2 on rats lens epithelial cell
Yu Yang;Zhang Wen-fang;C-Mer Dennis Lam Eye Hospital;Department of Ophthalmology;Second Hospital of Lanzhou University;
Influence of hedysarum polybotrys polysacchcaide on expression VEGF in retinopathy on db/db mice
Ru Ya-qin;Jin Zhi-sheng;Zhang Hua-zhi;Li Gui-zhen;Department of Ophthalmology;Rehabilitation Center Hospital of Gansu Province;Clinical School of Traditional Chinese Medicine;University of Gansu Traditional Chinese Medicine;
Clinical diagnostic criteria of familial hypercholesterolemia
Yan Li;Zhu Jiang;He Jin-xiang;Wang Guang;He Jin-chun;First School of Clinical Medicine;Lanzhou University;Central Laboratory;First Hospital of Lanzhou University;Radiation Therapy Center;First Hospital of Lanzhou University;Central Hospital of Wang Ge Er Tang Town of Xiahe County;Department of Laboratory Medicine;First Hospital of Lanzhou University;
Effect of three surgical treatment methods on prostate hyperplasia
Ling Feng;Zheng Shao-bo;Li Hu-lin;Liu Chun-xiao;Department of Urology;Zhujiang Hospital of Southern Medical University;Department of Urology;Zhongshan Boai Hospital of Southern Medical University;
Preliminary analysis for benign and malignant thyroid solid nodule by virtual touch quantitative techniques
Zhang Xin-hua;Gao Feng;Zhang Xue-lan;Zhang Li-wen;Zhou Zu-bang;Department of Ultrasonography;People’s Hospital of Gansu Province;Department of Transfusion Section;People’s Hospital of Gansu Province;
Morphology and karyotype of acute myeloid leukemia with t(8;21)
Zhang Wen;Zhu Jun-fang;Kang Cheng;Department of Hematology;First Hospital of Lanzhou University;
Clinical application of MSCT in evaluation of osteoporosis in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Mao Ze-qing;Xu Xiang-jiu;Zhang Heng;Yang Hua;Wang Ping;Hu Jie-mei;Department of Radiology;People’s Hospital of Gansu Province;Graduate College;Ningxia Medical University;Department of Orthopaedics;People’s Hospital of Gansu Province;
Influence of enteral nutrition with dietary fibers on immune functioin and inflammatory cytokines in critical patients with hyperglycemia
Sun Xiao-ping;Li Xiao-qing;Chen Guang-hui;Deng Yang-jia;Department of Critical Care Medicine;Chongqing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital;Department of Liver Diseases;Chongqing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital;
Expressions of myeloperoxidase and aquaproin in patients with preeclampsia and their correlations with fetal development
Song Ni-yuan;Chen Xu;Li Xia;He Xiao-yang;Zhang Yan;Department of Obstetrics;People’s Hospital of Chongzhou City;
yuan fa xing fu bi nong zhong 1 li
li ya hao ; han zhi jian ; gu bao hong ; wang zuo rong ; peng zheng kui ; song tian liang ; chen zuo ; li yu min ;
Progress of relationship between Nodal signaling pathway,Nodal cilia and congenital heart diseases
Sun Xiao-wei;Zhang Jian-gang;Xie Xiao-dong;Institute of Pathology;School of Medical Sciences;Lanzhou University;Institute of Genetics;School of Medical Sciences;Lanzhou University;
Research progress on microRNA in hepatitis-B-virus-related acute on chronic liver failure
Guo Qing-hong;Long Yan-jun;Pu Chun-wen;Wang Yu-ping;Zhou Yong-ning;Department of Gastroenterology;First Hospital of Lanzhou University;Key Laboratory for Gastrointestinal Diseases of Gansu Province;Lanzhou University;Department of Liver Diseases;Dalian Sixth People’s Hospital;
Development of pre-surgical orthopedic therapy for cleft lip and palate
Li Jian-xue;Zhou Xiao-juan;Liu Hong;Department of Stomatology;Lanzhou General Hospital of Lanzhou Military Command;Outpatient Department of Lanzhou Military Command;
Application of 20 mL syringe suction suture methodinhigh ligation of hernia sac in children under laparoscopy
Zhao Cheng-ji;Yuan Wen-zhen;Sun Xue-qiang;Department of Pediatric Surgery;First Hospital of Lanzhou University;Department of Oncology Surgery;First Hospital of Lanzhou University;
Trial sequential analysis-estimation of required sample size in meta-analysis
Wang Quan;Tian Jin-hui;Li Lun;He Xi-ran;Huang Di;Ge Long;Yang Ke-hu;Evidence-Based Medicine Center of School of Basic Medical Science;Lanzhou University;First School of Clinical Medicine;Lanzhou University;Key Laboratory of Evidence-Based Medicine and Knowledge Translation of Gansu Province;School of Clinical Oncology;Beijing University;