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Control Theory & Applications
2005 Issue 2
Decision control based on rough-fuzzy neural network
ZHAN Qian-sheng
Fuzzy robustness analysis based on importance sampling and neural network
WU Huai-ning;LI Yong;CAI Kai-yuan
T-S fuzzy system based on multi-resolution analysis
On the exponential stability of neural networks systems with time delays
YU Zhao-xu;WU Ti-hua
Double predictive PI control for integrator plus time delay processes and its application
REN Zheng-yun;ZHANG Hong;SHAO Hui-he
Support vector machine based direct inverse-model identification
ZHONG Wei-min;PI Dao-ying;SUN You-xian
Sliding mode multiple steps predictive control for networked control systems
XIONG Yuan-sheng;YU Li;YU Shi-ming
Functional observer for time-delay systems with unknown inputs and output feedback stabilization
ZHU Shu-qian;FENG Jun-e;CHENG Zhao-lin
Evolutionary particle filter and its application
MO Yi-wei;XIAO De-yun
Schema theorem based on ternary representation
MING Liang;WANG Yu-ping
Feedback control with observer for Internet based teleoperation systems
CHEN Qi-hong;FEI Shu-min;SONG Ai-guo
Survey on adaptive control of nonlinear systems using neural networks
SUN Fu-chun;LI Li;SUN Zeng-qi
Modeling of the laminar cooling process with case-based reasoning
TAN Ming-hao;CHAI Tian-you
Neural network based robust dynamic inversion flight control
ZHU Jia-qiang;ZHU Ji-hong;GUO Suo-feng;SUN Zeng-qi
Optimal guaranteed cost control of dynamic interval systems: an LMI approach
MAO Wei-jie;LIU Zheng-yu
Hybrid extension and adaptive control
HE Bin;ZHU Xue-feng
Model reference adaptive control based on reinforcement learning
GUO Hong-xia;WU Jie;WANG Chun-ru
Adaptive tracking control based on zero phase error
WANG Mao;YOU Wen-hu;HUANG Li-lian
Modeling and control for nonlinear systems with hysteresis
LI Chun-tao;TAN Yong-hong
Mixed decentralized supervisory control of discrete event systems
WANG Fei;HU Qi-ying
Chaotic dynamic properties for an advertising model in duopoly market
QI Jie;WANG Ding-wei
Intelligent optimization of optimal operational pattern in the process of copper converting furnace
HU Zhi-kun;GUI Wei-hua;PENG Xiao-qi;YAO Jun-feng;ZHANG Wei-hua
Fault detection and isolation of MIMO nonlinear systems based on the cascade observer
WANG Jiang;ZHOU Yi-min;TSANG Kai-ming
Stability for motor driver fed by voltage-type inverter
HUANG Song-qing
Qualitative analysis of a model for competitive web sites
WU Hong;WANG Yuan-shi
Feedback control based stability of high voltage direct current system
LI Quan-guo;Wu Jie
Hierarchical multiple model decoupling controller for non-minimum phase systems
WANG Xin;LI Shao-yuan;YUE Heng
Exponential stability of stochastic Hopfield neural networks with distributed parameters
DENG Fei-qi;ZHAO Bi-tong;LUO Qi
LMI-based H-infinity control scheme for constrained systems and its moving horizon implementation
CHEN Hong;HAN Guang-xin;LIU Zhi-yuan