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Chinese Science Bulletin
2016 Issue 11
quan qiu he zuo ying dui qi hou bian hua de xin zheng cheng
chao qing chen ;
chu dong nao shen jing de dian zi pi fu
zuo ya ping ; di zhong an ; zhu dao ben ;
Pairing mechanism of the high temperature superconductors
LI Tao;Department of Physics;Renmin University of China;
Origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe
HUANG FaPeng;LI MingZhe;GU PeiHong;ZHANG XinMin;Theoretical Physics Division;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Interdisciplinary Center for Theoretical Study;University of Science and Technology of China;Department of Physics and Astronomy;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;
The mystery of quasar power
ZUO WenWen;WU XueBing;Shanghai Astronomical Observatory;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Department of Astronomy;School of Physics;Peking University;Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics;Peking University;
What causes the ice ages in the late Pliocene and Pleistocene?
LU HuaYu;WANG Yao;School of Geography and Ocean Science;Nanjing University;CAS Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences;
The mechanism of intracerebral L-type voltage dependent calcium channels in drug addiction
JIN ShuBo;SHEN Fang;DUAN Ying;LI Ming;SUI Nan;Key Laboratory of Mental Health;Institute of Psychology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Department of Psychology;University of Nebraska-Lincoln;
A road-map for dark matter and dark energy research in China
JI XiangDong;ZHANG XinMin;CHEN Xun;Department of Physics and Astronomy;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;Institute of High-Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Frontier physics problems related to the origin of cosmic rays
HU HongBo;GUO YiQing;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
The energy internet and electricity market in the United States
SU WenCong;HUANG Alex Q.;University of Michigan-Dearborn;North Carolina State University;
Electrochemical biosensors based on two dimensional nano-materials for disease diagnosis
LI SuQin;WANG XiaoShan;YANG Kai;ZHAO Li;WU Qiong;HUANG Xiao;HUANG Wei;Key Laboratory of Flexible Electronics & Institute of Advanced Materials;Jiangsu National Synergistic Innovation Center for Advanced Materials;Nanjing Tech University;Key Laboratory of Flexible Electronics & Institute of Advanced Materials;Jiangsu National Synergistic Innovation Center for Advanced Materials;Nanjing Tech University;
A unified framework of the “Genes-Brain-EnvironmentBehavior” for the relation between creativity and psychopathology
LI YaDan;HUANG Hui;YANG WenJing;CHEN QunLin;QIU Jiang;ZHANG QingLin;Key Laboratory of Cognition and Personality;Ministry of Education;Faculty of Psychology;Southwest University;MOE Key Laboratory of Modern Teaching Technology;Shannxi Normal University;
Full-length transcriptome sequencing on Pac Bio platform
REN YiPeng;ZHANG JiaQing;SUN Yu;WU ZhenFeng;RUAN JiShou;HE BingJun;LIU GuoQing;GAO Shan;BU WenJun;College of Life Sciences;Nankai University;College of Mathematics;Nankai University;
Detection for coronal mass ejection based on Gaussian Mixture Models
ZENG DanDan;BAI XianYong;QIANG ZhenPing;LI Qiang;JI KaiFan;Faculty of Information Engineering and Automation;Kunming University of Science and Technology;Center for Space Science and Applied Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;College of Computer and Information;Southwest Forestry University;
ke xue tong bao zheng gao jian ze