Corrosion behaviors of steels in marine atmospheric environment with SO2 pollution
WANG ZhenYao1;YU QuanCheng1;WANG Chuan1;YU GuoCai1;HAN Wei1;WEI Wei2 & XIE ChenPing2 1 State Key Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection;Institute of Metal Research;The Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shenyang 110016;China;2 AAE Building Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Station;China Nuclear Power Engineering Company;Ltd.;Dalian 116319;China
A survey of quark-hadron duality
YANG Tao1;2 & LI JiaCai1;2 1 State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics;Beijing 100049;China;2 Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China