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Chinese Science Bulletin
2007 Issue z1
Analysis on forming conditions of deep marine reservoirs and their concentration belts in superimposed basins in China
ZHAO WenZhi;WANG ZeCheng;ZHANG ShuiChang;WANG HongJun
Formation and evolution of the Chinese marine basins
JIA ChengZao;LI BenLiang;ZHANG XingYang;LI ChuanXin
Accumulation process and model for the Ordovician buried hill reservoir in the western Lunnan area, the Tarim Basin
ZHAO MengJun;PAN WenQing;HAN JianFa;LIU ShaoBo;QIN ShengFei;ZHANG BaoMin
Two accumulation modes of marine-origin natural gas in the Tarim Basin
WANG HongJun;ZHAO WenZhi;HU GuoYi;HU JianFeng
Hydrocarbon accumulation in deep fluid modified carbonate rock in the Tarim Basin
L(U) XiuXiang;XIE QiLai;YANG Ning;LI JianJiao
Tectonic types and evolution of Ordovician proto-type basins in the Tarim region
HE DengFa;ZHOU XinYuan;ZHANG ChaoJun;YANG XiaoFa
Discussion on marine source rocks thermal evolvement patterns in the Tarim Basin and Sichuan Basin, west China
ZHANG Bin;ZHAO Zhe;ZHANG ShuiChang;CHEN JianPing
Main controlling factors of distribution and genetics of marine reservoirs in China
ZHU RuKai;GUO HongLi;GAO ZhiYong;WANG XueSong;ZHANG XingYang
Fundamental geological elements for the occurrence of Chinese marine oil and gas accumulations
ZHANG ShuiChang;LIANG DiGang;ZHU GuangYou;ZHANG XingYang;ZHANG BaoMin;CHEN JianPing;ZHANG Bin
Information for Authors
Late Yanshan-Himalayan hydrocarbon reservoir adjustment and hydrotherrnal fluid activity in the central Tarim Basin
ZHANG XingYang;ZHANG ShuiChang;LUO Ping;ZHU RuKai;LUO Zhong;TU JianQi
Dominant geological element of migration and accumulation about Silurian oil reservoirs in central Tarim
LI YuPing;CHEN LiXin;WANG Yong;YANG HaiJun;LI Mei;SHEN YinMin;HU TaiPing;LI XinSheng
The distribution of the oil derived from Cambrian source rocks in Lunnan area, the Tarim Basin, China
MI JingKui;ZHANG ShuiChang;CHEN JianPing;TANG LiPing;HE ZhongHua
A discussion on the upper limit of maturity for gas generation by marine kerogens and the utmost of gas generative potential: Taking the study on the Tarim Basin as an example
CHEN JianPing;ZHAO WenZhi;XIAO ZhongYao;ZHANG ShuiChang;DENG ChunPing;SUN YongGe;WANG ZhaoMing
A discussion on gas sources of the Feixianguan Formation H2S-rich giant gas fields in the northeastern Sichuan Basin
ZHANG ShuiChang;ZHU GuangYou;CHEN JianPing;LIANG YingBo
Relations between spatial distribution and sequence types of the Cambrian-Ordovician marine source rocks in Tarim Basin
GAO ZhiYong;ZHANG ShuiChang;ZHANG XingYang;ZHU RuKai
Developmental modes of the Neoproterozoic-Lower Paleozoic marine hydrocarbon source rocks in China
ZHANG BaoMin;ZHANG ShuiChang;BIAN LiZeng;JIN ZhiJun;WANG DaRui
Discussion of gas enrichment mechanism and natural gas origin in marine sedimentary basin, China
ZHU GuangYou;ZHAO WenZhi;ZHANG ShuiChang;LIANG YingBo;WANG ZhengJun