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Progress in Exploration Geophysics
2006 Issue 5
A case study of travel time tomography
Chen Guojin;Zhang Guobao;CaoHui;Wu Yongshuan
Crosswell seismic POSTMAP migration and its application
Wei Guohua
Estimation of crosswell 3-D component geophone orientation
Guo Quanshi
Discussion of the characteristics of crosswell seismic data
Cao Hui;Guo Quanshi;Tang Jinliang;Wu Yongshuan
Review of seismic velocity analysis methods
Pan Hongxun;Fang Wubao
3-D prestack depth migration on data acquired from volcanic rocks in Xingcheng area
Zhou Zhenxing;Chen Zhide;He Yuqiang;Zhang Chuntang
Application of 3-D prestack time migration in Tahe oilfield
Wang Ruzhen;Yuan Liansheng;Li Peng;Chen Jie;Wu Yongshan
Synthetic seismogram construction in saliniferous strata in Dongpu depression
Chen Faliang;Han Fumin;Liu Zhongliang;Liu Zhaofeng
Static correction of converted waves via shear wave uphole shooting
Cao Wuxiang;Li Haixiang
3-D seismic exploration techniques for carbonate rocks in the central desert area of Tarim basin
Chen Xueqiang;Duan Mengchuan;Zhong Hai;Zhang Zhanen
Crosswell seismic data interpretation
Tang Jinliang;Cao Hui;Wang Lihua;Wu Yongshuan
Crosswell seismic waveform inversion and its application
Wu Yongshuan;Cao Hui;Chen Guojin;Wang Lihua;Tang Jinliang
Application of wavetracing tomography in crosswell seismic
Zuo Jianjun