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Journal of Oral Science Research
2015 Issue 4
Effects of Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan on MC3T3-E1 Cell Line Mineralization
ZHANG Yu;MA Su;LIU Pei-hong;Department Of Periodontics;Harbin Medical University;
Effects of Biomimetic Nanotubes on Osteoblast Bone Gene Expression.
YU Wei-qiang;XU Ling;ZHANG Fuqiang;Ninth People’s Hospital;Department of Prosthodontics;Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Stomatology;
Study on the Purification of GFP Transgenic Murine Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells.
CHEN Qiu-yue;WU Bu-ling;XU Wen-an;Department of Stomatology;Nanfang Hospital;College of Stomatology;Southern Medical University;
Resistance Corrosion of Four Type Nickel-titanium Orthodontic Wires in Vitro
GUO Jin;MI Cong Bo;Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region People’s Hospital of Stomatology;
Empirical Study of Reparation of Periodontal Bone Defects Treated with PRP and Calcined Bone Composite.
DONG Hong-bin;ZHANG Qin;HE Hui-yu;Department of Prosthodontics;First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University;
Study of PRF Combined with Autogenous Bone Marrow Stem Cells on Alveolar Bone Defect
ZHANG Wen-li;LI Shu-hui;CHEN Cheng;Department of Stomatology;The Second Affiliated Hospital to Xinjiang Medical University;
Effect of Different Laser Output Voltages on the Fatigue Life of Co-Cr Laser-welded Joints.
XU Min-rui;PAN Zai-xing;WU Song-quan;Affiliated Institution to Fujian Provincial Hospital;
Biological Characterization of Ionized Collagen Scaffolds with EDC Cross-linking.
WANG Li-xia;ZHAO Huan;JIN Shu-feng;Stomatological Hospital of Nankai University;
Microlial Responses after Facial Nerve Axotomy in CS Deficient Mice.
HAO Hai-peng;Ji Zhen-wei;Nakanishi Hiroshi;Dept.of Stomatology;Tongji Hospital;Tongji University;
Adhesion,Proliferation and Differentiation of MC3T3-E1 Cell on Bovine Bone Substitute Modified with RGD Peptide.
GAO Yuan-yuan;ZHOU Zi-qian;LIU Hui-feng;Tomatological Hospital Affiliated Medical;School;Nanjing University;
Evaluation of Antimicrobial Properties of β-Ca2SiO3/CSH Composite Materials in Vitro.
ZHAO Yu;JIA Hongyu;LIU Ming;Hangzhou Stomatologhy Hospital;
Isolation and Characterization of Human Lymphatic Endothelial Cells.
WEI Jun-cheng;ZHANG Bi;CHEN Qi;Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology;Tongji Hospital;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Oral Microbial Community Structure of Periodontitis Patients between Dongxiang and Yugurs in Gansu Province.
JIAO Kang-li;ZHU Yu-juan;XIE Pei-yuan;School of Stomatology;Lanzhou University;
Relationship between Periodontal Pathogens and Drug-induced Gingival Enlargement.
LIU Hai-jie;PAN Ya-ping;School of Stomatology;China Medical University;
Expression of Autophagy-related Gene LC3Av1 in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and the Effection of Methylation.
WANG Qian;MA Jin-bao;BAI Hua;College of Stomatology;Dalian Medical University;
Comparative Study on Tongue Characteristics in Intercuspal Occlusion and Tongue’s Natural Resting Position.
LIN Yan;LIN Yong-lin;XU Lin-yu;Department of Orthodontics;Fujian Medical University School and Hosipial of Stomatology;
A3-5 Years Retrospective Clinical Study of Ankylos Implant System in Anterior Aesthetic Edentulous Zone.
YUE Xi-long;XU- Sheng;ZHOU Wen-juan;Dental Implantation centre;Yantai Stomatological Hospital;
Effect of Rapid Maxillary Expansion on Human Pulpal Flow.
XU Ying-hua;JIANG Ye-qiang;Prevention Center of Eye and Teeth Disease;Pudong District;
Meta-analysis of the Relevance between MMP2 Protein and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma in China.
ZHULifang;YI An-hua;The State Key Laboratory Breeding Base of Basic Scienceof Stomatology;Hubei Province & Key Laboraroty of Oral Biomedicine;Ministry of Education;Wuhan University;
Expression and Signification of Hedgehog Signaling Pathway Effective Proteins in the Tongue Carcinoma and Paracarcinoma Tissues.
SUN Guo-wen;ZHANG Xiao-fo;LI Tian;Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery;Institute and Hospital of Stomatology;Nanjing University Medical School;Nanjing Stomatological Hospital;
shu xun
Patient Satisfaction and Esthetic Outcome after Immediate Placement and Provisionalization for Maxillary Anterior Single Tooth-implants.
LIU Wen-fang;FAN Wan-ting;HE Shan-dan;Department of Stomatology;Shenzhen People’s Hospital;the Second Clinical Hospital of Jinan University;
Aesthetic Processing and Analysis after Resection of Epulis.
SUN Su-zhen;CAO Zheng-guo;DAI Jie;Department of Stomatology;Ningbo First Hospital;
Effects of RW-Splint on the Electromyographic Activity of Masticatory Muscle of Angle ClassⅡ Malocclusion Patients with TMD
XIAO Hui;LIU Jun-feng;LIU Cong-hua;Department of Orthodontics;Guangdong Provincial Stomatological Hospital;
Duraphat in Vitro Study on Prevention of Carbonated Beverages Demineralization of Enamel.
SHENG Ting;YANG Qing-ling;SUN Yu;Departmengt of Pedodontics;School of Stomatology;Jiamusi University;
Color Analysis of Hazakhs Younth and Hans People Younth Maxillary Anterior Teeth in Urumqi.
WANG Bing;ZHOU Quan;LIANG Xue-ping;Xinjiang Medical University College of Oral Medicine;
Clinical Application of Post-extraction Alveolar Preservation on Periapical Cyst-affected Tooth.
NIU Zhi-ying;ZHOU Chao-yu;HU Qiu-xia;Zhengzhou Dental Hospital;
she que sun gu bao ji pi ban xiu fu 1 li
huang xin ; zhou jian hong ; xu zhen hua ;
gao ling lao ren xin dian jian hu xia ba ya xue ya he xin lv fen xi
meng tian ; jiang xia ;
zhou ju jiao yu quan guan gu wei de xiang guan xing yan jiu
liu zhan yi ; chen jie dian ; zheng lei ;
fimh zhan fu su de jie gou dui jun mao zhan fu li de ying xiang
zheng dan ; zhang li li ; li xiao xia ; zhang xiao huan ; zong chen ; li yu hong ;
huo sui ya piao bai de fu zuo yong ji ying dui cuo shi de yan jiu jin zhan
cheng shao long ; yu zuo ; cheng hui ;