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Acta Aerodynamica Sinica
2003 Issue 3
Numerical study on tunnel-hood when high-speed train passing a tunnel
luo jian jun ; gao bo ; wang ying xue
General summarization of aerodynamic characteristics of european crew transfer vehicle CTV
tang wei ; zhang yong ; li wei ji ; zhang lu min
Numerical simulation of airframe/inlet viscous flow
zhu yu ; li chun zuo ; li tian
Second-order perturbational finite difference schemes for hyperbolic conservation equation
shen yi qing ; gao zhi ; yang ding hui
Characteristic analysis of the upwind scheme
yan chao ; zhang zhi ; zhang li xin ; tu zheng guang
Quasi-steady-state three shock wave structure
tao gang ;v.h.uskov
Research advances on a close-coupled canard wing configuration
ma bao feng ; liu pei qing ; deng xue ying
Apply the CE/SE method to the simulation of unsteady detonation
weng chun sheng ;tay p gore
The numberial reseach of wake impacting effect in 2D subsonic compressor cascad
hou an ping ; zhou sheng
Experiment study of hypersonic six-component force measurement for re-entry module in shock tunnel
lv zhi guo ; liu hong shan ; qi xue qun ; zhang yan
Numerical study on synthetic flow field of adjacent microjet actuators
gao feng ; wang liang