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Chinese Journal of Dental Materials and Devices
2011 Issue 4
Mechanical and chemical properties of calcium phosphate/calcium silicate/bismutite cement
Shen Oingyi;Sun Jiao;Liu Changsheng;Chen Fangping
Factors of affecting bond strength of glass ionomer cement
qin wei
Clinical application of simple transbuccal trochar in internal fixation of mandibular fracture
Ding Weihua;Yang Jianxin;Wang Jianguo;Wang Bin;Mao Caihua
Influence of mixed model on compressive strength of glass ionomer cement
Yu Huizhen;Nie Rongbing;Yu Weiqiang;Zhang Fuqiang
Ridge preservation techniques for implant therapy
shi yi tian
Stress analysis of RPD in different ways of retention
zhang shuo
Frequently used diagnostic method and prevalence of halitosis
zhang wei yun
xin xi dong tai
Shear stress analysis of the bonding strength for the procelain-fused-to-metal restorations
Zhang Bo;Song Jinzi;Lin Ming;Lin Zechen