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Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology(Science and Technology)
2011 Issue 3
A Rapid Identification Method of Authenticity of Black Rice
BAO Na;TAN Hong;YANG Chang-biao;XIE Feng;ZHAO Hong-bo;HE Jin-lin
Experimental Studies on Acid and Bacterial Leaching of Uraninite Ores
LIU Yu-long;DING De-xin;LI Guang-yue;WANG You-tuan;HU Nan;WANG Yong-dong
Treatment of Antibiotic Wastewater by MBR
BAI Yu;CAI Ti-jiu;CHEN Zhao-bo;WANG Hong-cheng;JIAO An-ying
Method Research on Visualization of Well Trajectory Error Ellipsoid
SU Fei;GAO De-li;ZHAO Quan-qing
Skew Product of Transcendental Semigroups
HUANG Zhi-gang
Comparative Research on Decreasing Water Content of Filler by Electro-Osmosis and Vacuum Dewatering
WANG Su-da;FEI Wei-shui;TANG Zheng-guang;WU Pei-guan
Rough Group Based on Fuzzy Congruence Relations
LI Fa-guang;ZHANG Zhen-liang;LI Zao-rong
Effects of Hydrogen Bonds on Thermostability of Different Family Proteins
WANG Ying;PENG Yin-sheng;CAI Wang-wei
Bifurcations and Stabilities in Parallel-Connected Current-Programmed Boost Converters
LIU Fang;LI Yan;WANG Fu-ping
Discussions about Practical Surveying Adjustment on Non-linear Models
CHEN Ben-fu;YUE Jian-ping;SHI Kun