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Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology(Social Sciences)
2008 Issue 9
gao yue
Brief on the Child Labor and Its International Protection
CHEN Xiao-yun
Theory and Practice about Victim-Offender Reconciliation from Procuration's Perspective
GONG Yong-qiang;ZHANG Ya-li;JIA Yong-qiang
On Special Forms of Infringing On Copyrights
HUANG Xiao-liang
New Approach to Theoretical Boundary between Crime and Administrative Offense
LIU Shou-fen;NIU Guang-ji
The Legal Regulation on the Relationship of Property Right
SHI Ji-chun;FENG Hui
The Exploration on the Legislation of Mineral Resource in Yunnan
YANG Shi-long;WANG Ting
On the Justice Value of Rule of Law
ZHANG Hong-bo;LI Wan-lin
On the Theory of Analogy in the View Of Hermeneutics
ZHU Liang-hao