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Chinese Journal of Space Science
2012 Issue 5
Study on the Occurrence Rate of Spread-F's Starting Time Observed in Hainan During Magnetic Disturbed and Quiet Days
luo zhi xian ; xiao sai guan ; shi jian kui ; gao tai chang ; wang guo jun ; fang han xian
National Report on Space Medicine Progress in 2010-2012
li yinghui;liu zhaoxia;ding bai;liu yue;zhang xiaoyou;bai yanqiang;chen shanguang
Study on Autonomous Housekeeping of On-orbit Geostationary Satellites
li yu heng ; liu zhen ; huang xing di ; zheng jun
Dynamic Properties of the Two-phase Loop Thermal Control System for Space Application
mo dong chuan ; lv shu shen ; he zhen hui
China's Space Astronomy and Solar Physics in 2011-2012
zhang shuangnan;yan yihua;gan weiqun
Comparison Between the CHAMP/STAR Derived Thermospheric Density and the NRLMSISE-00 Model
weng li bin ; fang han xian ; ji chun hua ; zhang yang
Recent Progresses of Magnetospheric Physics in China: 2010-2011
cao jinbin;liu zhenxing;pu zuyin
Quantitative Analysis of Effect of Atmospheric Delay Error on InSAR Data Processing
yu jing bo ; liu guo lin ; cao zhen tan ; cui juan ; liu hui
Design and Simulation for the Sensor of the Space Based Langmuir Probe
guan zuo bing ; wang shi jin ; liu chao
Research Progress of Solar Corona and Interplanetary Physics in China: 2010-2012
zhao xinhua;xiang changqing
Advances in Researches on the Middle and Upper Atmosphere in 2010-2012
chen zeyu;chen hongbin;liu xiao;hu xiong;bian jianchu;chen wen;zhang shaodong;xue xianghui
Recent Progresses on Ionospheric Climatology Investigations
liu libo;wan weixing;chen yiding;le huijun;zhao biqiang