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China Opening Herald
2008 Issue 3
jing min shuang yong gong jian he xie fa zhan gong ying
shi min jian kang su yang jiao yu gong zuo zuo dai jia qiang
shen zuo shi jian kang jiao yu yan jiu suo
On Major Issues in Chinese Reform and its Perspective
YANG Ji-sheng
jie fang si xiang hong sui geng hong
liu shi min guo hua zuo pin
jia na da luo ji shan mai feng jing
A Comparative Study on Core Competiveness of Local and Foreign Invested Hotels
ZHANG Li-li;HAN Jing-jing
On Low Wage in Manufacturing and RMB Appreciation
MA Chun-hui
New Labor Contract Law from Neo-Institutional Economics Angle
SUN Bao-qiang
On Improving Pension system for Mingong
QIN Shuang-ling
On Knowledgeable Government and Press Freedom
On Rule Change in Chinese Press and Competition
A Comparative Study on Different Light Rail Business Models Overseas and China
ZHANG Xiao-li;ZHANG Hong
gong si zi zhi shi ye xia de du li dong shi zhi du
liao xiang wen
Impact on Spillover of FDI by Host Country Opening
ZOU Zhi-xin;ZHAO Qi-wei
On Neo-Liberalism in Japan and its Influences
LI Yue;WAN Lu-jian
Some Views on China's Strategy in Opening to Outside World
MEN Hong-hua
Policy Recommendations for Aged in China
LI Luo-li;XIA Xun-ge
Aging: Impact,Characteristics and Solutions
ZHANG Chang-cai
Cost Pressure and Industrial Structure Upgrading in PRD
GUO Wan-da;FENG Yue-qiu
On Anhui Urban Economic Development strategy
ZOU Yan-lin
On Limitations of Contractive Monetary Policy in China
HUANG Xue-xia