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Journal of Bohai University(Natural Science Edition)
2006 Issue 4
Development of physical education based on humanism
TIAN Rong-he
Study on method of domain ontology construction
Comparative Study of database security models based access control
LIU Yang;AI Qing;GUO Xiao-li;QIN Yu-ping
Design and actualization of C—S language
LIU Wei-jiang;BAI Lei
Image based on PHP verification code
XU Dian-jun
Investigation and Study of Middle School Students' Selectivity of Mathematics Learning
ZHANG Wen-yu;ZHANG Shou-bo;FAN Wen-gui;LI Wei-hua
Existence of global solutions toβ + 1 < p < α + 2 < p + p(β + 1)/n
ZHANG Ya-yang;TANG Jun-jian
Optimization condition for a class of multi—objective generalization convex programming
BAO Fu-li;YU Xian-wei;XIAO Hong-wei
A method in solving smooth route of variational inequality
YU Wen-bo
Qualitative proof of Abelian integrals of L—V systems
JIN Tie-ying
An image denoise and enhancement algorithm based on human visual properties and median filtering
CHI Dong-xuan;JI Jing-na;WEN Xue-bing
Research of hydrolysis relative intensity of (NH4)and CO3NH4HCO3
JIN Xin-quan;PENG Xiu-zhe;CAI Yuan
Analysis of corrosive condition of certam iol—well pipes in Tahe Oil Field
LI Guo-hao;GU Tan;HUO Shao-quan;XING Jin-juan;zheng Kai
Status quo and progress in research nano-SiO2
LI-xi;LIU Lian-li;WANG Li-li
Selective Monobromination of Methyl 1—Acetylazulene—3—carbolate with [Bmim]Br3
WANG Dao-lin;XU Jiao;DENG Jin-jun;GU Zheng;HAN Shan
Study of serine and threonine dipeptids conformations usung ABEEM/MM Model
Precisely measure grating constant by applying STM
LI Bo-xin
Understanding and application of effect of quantum measurement of nanometer materials
QI Xiao-Hua;TONG Hui;Xu Cui-yan
Spectral character of magnetic field generated by ocean waves
ZHANG Zi-li;WEI Wen-bo;LI Geng-wei;JIN Sheng