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Journal of Bohai University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)
2005 Issue 4
Genuine or counterfeit problem of Kong Cong Zi
LI Jian;SUN Shao-Hua
Study about political demand of off-CPC members in university
ZHANG Ai-jun;LI Wei
On single crime stock
ZHAO Xiao-guang
On humanism in rhetoric study
LIU Ben-chen
Hjecmslev's language viewpoint
YAN Ming
About pun and enantiosis in intent
Pragmatics and Chinese teaching to foreign students
MA Jie
Brief analysis of difference in regional economic development
JI Liang-jiao
Thoughts on system economics and regional economy
LIU Jian-wu
"Humanism" in Economics
New concept of performance management in small and medium- sized civil enterprises
ZHAO Xi-nan;YU Ya-ping;ZHANG Hui-yan
Thoughts on multiple stimulation systems for civil enterprises
LIU Yue;LOU Chun-hui
Review on concept of equality and efficiency
CHI Xing-gang
Indirect financial problems among private enterprises and solutions
ZHANG Yan-ling;LIU Yan-liang
Study on principles of talk show host/hosess's text construction
LE Jin-xia;XU Bo-xun
On spoken language styles of program anchors
WANG Zhuang-hui
On quality of contemporary TV anchors
WANG Xiao-meng
Adversity quotient and autonomous learning
LIU Yu-mei
Choice and understanding of context and meaning
Appearance and function of pragmatic ambiguity
WANG Li-feng
Analysis of humanism new curriculum reform
LI Ying
"Humanism" in periodicals publication
CHEN Fang-fang
On buliding and developing reference room in higher instilution
WEI Bao-qing
Review on factual cognition and value cognition
WANG Xiao-dan
Solitary Word And Hopeless Redeem--A kind of unscramble on Su Tong's novels
ZHANG Cong-gao;HAN Wen-shu
Potlatch and banquet poems of Shi jing(诗经)
CAO Jian-guo