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Construction Economy
2001 Issue 8
Thinking about the Settlement of the New Qualification
zheng lei
Studies on the Control of Building Cost
zhang ling ; ruan lian fa
yi ge xiang mu gong cheng guan li de po xi
ding zhi bin
Constructing a Intellectual Intensive System for the Personnel Management
liu huan zhi ; zhou xiao hong
Stata-qua and Development of the Construction Safety in USA and the UK
fang dong ping ; huang xin yu ; bi shu tao ; huang zhi wei
Problems in Project Tendering
zhou hai zuo
The Construction Industry Facing with WTO
qiu shi xun
Establishing a High Effective Managemental System to Regulate the Construction Market
li guo hong ; song fei ; zhao xue quan
gong yi xiao gai ge xiao yi da wen zhang
wang da ze ; qian cun xin
Thinking about the Project Quality Management
xu hui fang ; shen yu jian ; chen li fu
grc ou shi gou jian zai jian zhu gong cheng zhong de ying yong
zhou wen na ; meng xiang jin
he li de xuan ze he shi yong ta diao
guo wen yao ; xu de min