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Journal of Educational Development
2006 Issue 12
Let the composition teaching have the humanistic spirit
Zhu wan-ping
Insist on the continuable development and construct the harmonious ecotypic-campus
he yong xiang ; zuo zhong qiang ; he wei jiang
Construct the system of teachers' moral norms roundly
Liu Bi-jia;Wang Feng
On the moral and administrant meaning of the school's rules
Wang Bin;Shi Qi-sheng
Penetrate moral education into the composition comments
Wang Chun-fang
Reports about the "research on the construction and experiment of the quality class teaching model"
the Chengnan elementary school, Heyuan city
On the construction of the modern school system
Qin Hong
Question about the problem of moral education backing to the life world
Xu Xiang-he;Shen Yu-bao
On the knowledge's objectivity during the teaching and learning
Deng Su-wen;Liu Yi