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Advances in Fine Petrochemicals
2001 Issue 10
sheng shi sheng qian de ran se ji
er chun mi de du xing
ipi kai fa c1 zhi c2 lu xian
pvc zhong de zeng su ji
gao ji chun xu qiu zeng chang
shi hua ji shu
jiang xi hua gong
UV- Curable Epoxy Acrylate Resin Lustering Coating for Paper
ou guo yong ; yang min ; zhou wen hua ; yang hui rong
Synthesis of n - Amyl Acetate Using TABP as Catalyst
luo yi ; liang yong guang ; yang shui jin ; yuan zheng yong
Synthesis of 2,5 - Dimethyl - 3 - thiofuroylfuran
zhang guang hui ; ren bao xiang ; jin ji xiong ; liu biao
Synthesis of Cyclohexene by Catalysis of Sodium Bisulfate
wen rui ming ; yu shan xin ; lei cun xi ; luo xin xiang
Progress in Synthesis and Separation Technology of Iminodiacetic Acid
zeng qing you ; xie rong jin ; wang zuo
Development in Preparation of Aqueous Polyurethane Emulsion
zhou yu qing ; chen su
Synthesis and Properties of Glycerin Polyoxyethylene Trioleate
zhu guo hua ; yang jing xin
Synthesis and Properties of AM/AMPS/AA/HMOPTA Copolymer for Drilling Fluid
yang xiao hua ; wang zhong hua