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Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi
2007 Issue 10
wan zai xian you ji nong ye chan ye hua fa zhan de diao cha yu si kao
yi qing chuan ; zuo hong chun
dong xi bu di qu ren jun shou ru cha ju de shi zheng fen xi
qiao zeng bao ; gong ya xian
shi lun jiang su sheng xiao mai you shi qu yu fa zhan zhan lue
liu ai jun ; zhang yi hong ; ding zhen qiang
guan yu jia qiang nong ji tui guang fu wu ti xi jian she de diao cha yu si kao
qian xiao zhen ; bian xin gen ; liao feng ; chen hong fei
xiao cheng zhen jing guan jian she chu tan
li zhi xiu ; guo bo ying
guan yu jiang xi sheng zhong zi guan li ti zhi de si kao
wang feng hu ; peng cong sheng ; fang you ping
Strategy and Progress of Breeding Insect-resistant Bt Transgenic Japonica Rice
CHEN Wen-yue;GUAN Shi-liang;YU Xiang-qun;SONG Liang;YING Wu
Degradation and Elimination of Pesticide Residues in Vegetables
HUANG Xiao-peng;DING Wei-ming;WAN Fang-xin
Detection of APX and CAT Activity in AtDREB1A Transgenic Yinxin Poplar
QIN Hong-xia;LIU Jing-mei;SONG Yu-xia
Research Advance of Biotechnology Breeding of Lettuce
FU Ya-li;NIU Rui-sheng;FAN Jian-ying;ZHAO Xuan;WANG Hu;LIU Tie-zheng
Effects of Ratio of Fat to Muscle on Lipid Oxidation Degree of Chinese Sausage during Storage
XU Wen-qing;XU Mu-cong;CAO Jin-xuan;XU Xing-lian;ZHOU Guang-hong
Developmental Status and Prospects of Natural Food Pigment in China
LU Bang-yu;YANG Xin-he;MAO Qing-li
shan zuo zi you de ti nei kang yang hua gong neng yan jiu
fan xue hui ; zhang qing an ; hu bai ping
Experiment of Planting Tricholoma giganteum in Northern Part of Guangdong Province All Year round
XIAO Xing;CHEN Qing-le;LIAO Yu;ZHENG Guo-yang
Common Diseases of Pseudobagrus fulvidraco and Their Prevention Method
LIAO Xun-bo;ZHANG Ming
Study on Identification and Intendance of Haploid Eggs in Honeybee Colony
WU Xiao-bo;ZENG Zhi-jiang
Analysis of Ecological Footprint of Sustainable Use of Land Resource in Jiangxi Province
LIU Hou-xian;NI Cai-ying;ZHANG Hai-rong
Effect of Sowing Date and Plant Density on Starch RVA and Texture Properties in Rice "Zhongzheyou 1"
XIE Li-hong;YE Ding-chi;CHEN Neng;DUAN Bin-wu;ZHU Zhi-wei
Cloning and Expression of Mannitol-1-phosphate Dehydrogenase Gene from Escherichia coli W3350 Strain
XIE Qi-xin;ZHUANG Dong-hong;OUYANG Yong-chang;HU Zhong;ZHONG Ming-qi;PENG Gui-zhuang
Optimized Disposition of Sowing Dates and Planting Densities for Vegetable Soybean Variety "Mindou 1"
QI Guo-qiang;ZHONG Jian-wei;TENG Zhen-yong;LU Pei-lan;HU Run-fang;LIN Guo-qiang
Mathematical Simulation of Effect of Air Temperature on Growth of Rice
WANG Shang-ming;ZHANG Chong-hua;HU Feng-xi;ZENG Kai;ZHANG Wen-hong;WANG Wen-jin
Studies on Effects of EM on Agronomic Characters of Maize at Seedling Stage
LI Hai-lin;LI Li;LIAO Xin-jun
Effect and Mechanism of Gibberellic Acid (GA3) on Hybrid Rice Seed Production
PI Yong-hua;HE Fang;XU Zhi-wen;ZHONG Rong
Effect of Coupling of Sowing Date and Planting Density on Mortality of Overwintering Wheat Seedling
LU Jin-ling;GUO Ping-yin;WANG Feng-chi;CAI Jia-bin;ZHANG Zhen-xing
Comprehensive Evaluation of Ecological Adaptability of Introduced Faba Bean Varieties
CHEN Hai-ling;GUO Yuan-zhen;LI Bi-qiong
jiang su yan hai nong qu zhi bo shui dao de gao chan zai pei ji shu
bian tong yang ; chen yi lou ; cai li wan
Current Status and Development of Soilless Seedling Technology for Crops
XIONG Ge-sheng;CHEN Jin-xiang;TANG Hai-ming
"zhong you 752" de te zheng te xing ji zai pei ji shu
xie zhi jian ; xiong duo gen ; liu fen ; peng ling ; xu li ping ; wan yu feng
Status and Prospects of Heterosis Utilization in Cotton
YE Bang-xing;TANG Hai-ming
Study on Effect of Different Ration of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium on Yield of Rice
FANG Ke-ming;ZHONG Guo-ming;ZHAN Mu-shui;WANG Quan-sheng;GONG Wen-liang
Study on Effect of Jiuyuan Tea Specific Fertilizer
HONG Jian-ji;ZENG Ri-qiu;ZHAN Qing-niang
mian hua ku wei bing zai yan cheng nong qu de fa sheng yan bian yu yuan yin fen xi
xu wen hua ; wang rui ming ; bian tong yang ; liu biao ; zheng yang ping
2006 nian yan fen shi zai jiang su yan hai di qu de bao fa te dian yu cheng yin po xi
wang rui ming ; xu wen hua ; jin zhong shi ; ding zhi kuan ; lin fu gen
Research Progress in Extraction Method of Polysaccharide from Jujube Date
LI Xiao-ping;CHEN Jin-ping;YAN Ya-lan
Progress in Plant Polyphenols and Their Physiological Functions
FENG Li;SONG Shu-hui;ZHAO Lin;XU Gui-hua