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Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis(Natural Sciences Edition)
2009 Issue 2
Relationship between Characteristics of N Nutrition and Population Development, Yield Formation of Ganxin688
LI Mu-ying;SHI Qing-hua;FANG Hui-ling;PAN Xiao-hua;TAN Xue-ming;ZEN Yong-jun
Disease Resistance Identification and RGA Analysis of New Maize Cultivars in Yunnan Regional Test
MA Rong;WU Jing-zhi;SHA Ben-cai;WU Yi-xin;HE Yue-qiu
Effects of Erect Panicle Gene on Lodging Resistance of Rice
DONG Dan;CHEN Shu-qiang;LIU Bai-lin;WANG Jia-yu;XU Zheng-jin
The Effects of Anti-microtubules Drugs,Respiratory Inhibitor and MeJA on Floret Opening in Rice
HE Yong-ming;ZENG Xiao-chun;FANG Jia-hai;WU Xiao-yu
Additive and Dominance Correlation Analysis of Stem-leaf Characters and Yield Traits in Indica Rice
LIN Qiang;LIANG Kang-jing;ZHENG Xiu-ping;WU Zhi-yuan;ZHOU Tian-li;ZHOU Yuan-chang
A Study on the Hydrological Characters in the Five River-catchments in Jiangxi Province
XIE Dong-ming;YANG Yan;DENG Hong-bing;FANG Yu;FAN Zhe-wen
Evaluation of Farmland Productivity Based on GIS Technology——A Case Study of Leping County, Jiangxi Province
LONG Hui-fang;GUO Xi;ZHAO Xiao-min;XIA Kun;GUO Da-qian
Comparative Nitrogen Mineralization and Its Availability in Different Rehabilitating Forests in Degraded Red Soil
QIN Xiao-lei;YU Ming-quan;YANG Qing-pei;LIU Yuan-qiu
A Study on Changes of Some Enzymes in the Soft-stem Cuttings of Sinojackia xylocarpa
XU Li-ping;SHANGGUAN Xin-then;YU Fang-yuan
A Study on the Relationship between Stand Stock and Landform
QIAN Yong-ping;LI Bao-yin;WU Cheng-zhen;HONG Wei;HONG Tao;ZHANG Yan-yan
Growth Law and Population Characteristics of Tsug longibracteata and Fokienia hoginsii in Qiyunshan Natural Reserve, Jiangxi Province
YANG Qing-pei;HUANG Sheng-liang;YU Ding-kun;YU Yuan-jian;LING Li-xiang;XU Hong-yun
A Study on Community Characteristics of Diospyros glaucifolia in Xitianmu Mountain
SHAO Wen-hao;LI Hao;LIU Jun;JIANG Jing-min;SHEN Feng-qiang
A Study on Soil-Water Characteristic Curve of Natural Populus euphratica Forest Stand in Ejina
SA Ru-la;ZHANG Qiu-liang;WANG Wei-feng;XIE Li-xin
Biological Compatibility of Ten Pesticides with Metarhizium anisopliae Conidia
REN Qiao-yun;YIN Hong;GUAN Gui-quan;MA Mi-ling;LIU Ai-hong;LI You-quan;LIU Jun-long;NIU Qing-li;JIN Yu-rong;LUO Jian-xun
Effects of Cd Stress on the Cell Structure of Loquat Root, Stem and Leaf
YU Dong;XU Jia-hui;QIU Dong-liang;LIU Xing-hui
A Study on the Technology for Storing and Preserving Myrica rubra Fruit
CHENG Xiao-jian;WANG Bai-po;YU Wei-wu;FU Qing-gong
Effects of Water and Nitrogen Coupling on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Flue-cured Tobacco in the Resettling Growth Stage
ZOU Jian-min;SHI Jian-jun;FENG Min-yu;XIONG Jiang-bo;YE Qing;XIAO Jin-xiang
Technology for Fuel Alcohol Production from Banana Stems and Leaves
ZHANG Shu-he;LI Hai-ming;LI Rui-mei;WU Shui-jin;LIN Yi-xin
A Study on Extraction Craft for the Total Flavonoids from Orange Peel
YANG Wu-ying;SHANGGUAN Xin-chen;ZHOU Zhi-e;LUO Qiu-shui;HONG Yan-pin
A Study on Molluscicidal Activities of Ethanol Extracts from Leaves of Different Varieties (,Types) of Sapium sebiferum
LUO Kun-shui;YU Neng-fu;XU Lin-chu;ZOU Zheng-rong;WANG Yu;PENG Jiu-sheng
A Study on the Growth Characters of Culter dabryi in Poyang Lake, Jiangxi
YANG Jian-yuan;ZHANG Xiao-gu;SUN Li-qun
Studies on the Energy Utilization of Intestinal Epithelial Cells in Early-weaned Calves
ZHOU Yu-xiang;ZHANG Pei-song;LU De-xun
Screening of cDNA Yeast Expression Library to Bursin Positive Cells of Bursa of Fabricius in Chicken
TAO Ming-hua;LIAO Kai;ZHANG Guo-qiang;CHEN Nan-hui;HU Song-nian
Comparison of Growth Laws of Different Breeds of Chickens and the Mimetic Growth Curves
WANG Cun-bo;CHEN Guo-hong;WANG Ke-hua;ZHANG Hai-bo;LEI Li-li;ZHOU Qiong;LIAO Jing;CHANG Guo-bin
Polymorphism Analysis of the MyoG Gene Digested with Csp6I in Goat
LIU Zheng-zhu;ZHANG Wen-xiang;ZHANG Chuan-sheng;GONG Yuan-fang;LIU Xie-rong
A Study on Cleaner Production Evaluation of Forest Plantation Logging
YU Ai-hua;ZHAO Chen;HUANG Ying
A Study on Forest Landscape Evaluation Based on Projection Pursuit
HU Xin-xin;WANG Li-jin;CHEN Ping-liu
Research and Application of High Conservation Value Forests(HCVFs)
LUO Su-mei;HE Dong-jin;XIE Yi-lin;HUANG Shun-bin;LI Shu-zhong;HUANG Bin;TU Yong-xin
A Review on the Effects of Global Environment Change on Forest Soil Respiration
ZHANG Zhi-ting;SONG Xin-zhang;GAO Bao-jia
Dynamics of Community Study on Forest Vegetation in Restoration Stages
GONG Zhi-wen;KANG Xin-gang;GU Li