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Journal of Jiangxi Institute of Education
2007 Issue 4
Translation of Business English
DENG Zhen-xia
On the Creation of Operas of Manon and Manace Lescaut
XIAO Yu-tao
Distinguish and Criticize Ugly Art of the Present Age
LIU Fa-min
On Hui People in Gansu & Ningxia and Long March of Red Army
ZHONG Yin-mei
On Faulkner's Southern Complex in A Rose for Emily
WANG Xiao-Ling
WANG Chang-ling's Tragic Life and the Underlying Cultural Cause
BI Shi-kui
Generally Narrating of SHEN Yue Research for Twenty Century
GUO Chang-fei
On 仑 伦 认 沦 纶 轮 Being Paronyms
HU Qin
The Investigation and Research Report of the Rural Compulsory Education Serving the Construction of New Rural of Jiangxi
The Investigation and Research Group of Jiangxi Provincial Education Department on the Basic Education Serving the Construction of New Rural
On Building High-Quality University Management
CHEN He-chao