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Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
2015 Issue 4
A Study of Dynamic Changing Trend of China’s Regional Open Economic Development
WANG Hong-qing;Henan University of Economics and Law;
yin xing xin dai dui shang pin fang jia ge ying xiang de qu yu yi zhi xing yan jiu
deng zuo ; jia sheng hua ; wang xin rui ;
System, Transaction Costs and Consumption: An Analysis from the Perspective of New Institutional Economics
YUAN Qing-ming;YUAN Tian-rui;Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics;
The Impact of New Rural Endowment Insurance on Farmers’ Land Transfer Behavior: A Difference-in-Difference Analysis Based on the Date of “ China Health and Retirement Tracking Survey”
ZHAO Guang;LI Fang;HUANG Jun-hui;Southeast University;Nanjing Agricultural University;Guangdong Medical College;
A Study of Individual Characteristics, Cognitive Differences and Safe Use of Pesticides by Farmers
ZUO Liang-jun;CAI Jian;South China Agricultural University;
Yield Differentials and Reality Orientation in the Context of Compensation Policy for Land Acquisition
YANG Lu-lu;China University of Mining and Technology;
On the Generation of Classic Walden
HUANG Jian;Nanchang University;
Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Investigation of Monopoly Tax
YU Ling;Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics;
wei ge ju si wei er hu du zhong guo jin xian dai ge ju shi
zheng lin ;