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Journal of Fungal Research
2008 Issue 1
Observation on Morphology of Spinellus fusiger
MA Jing;BAU Tolgor
Effect of Drought Stress on SOD Activity of Paecilomyces cicadae
HU Hai-yan;ZOU Xiao;WANG Peng-xia;LIU Ai-ying;LIANG Zong-qi
huai nian liu xi xian sheng
zhong guo jun wu xue hui
Strophariaceae of China(Ⅱ)Stropharia
BAU Tolgor;MENG Tian-xiao
Isolation and Screening of Endophytic Antifungal Fungi from Cotmus coggygria Roots
WANG Jian-mei;TIAN Cheng-ming;GUO Song-xin;SONG Li-zhou;HE Wei
Isolation and Identification of Endophytic Fungi of Falvonoid-Producing Ginkgo biloba
HAN Xiao-li;FANG Ji-chuan;HE Jin;ZHANG Xi-qing;HUANG Qing-hua
Primary Studies on Flavonoid-Producing Endophytic Fungi Isolated from a Medicinal Plant Eucommia ulmoides
SHEN Shu-qing;YIN Hong;LIU Yun;CHEN Juan-li;XU Wan-ru;ZHAO Qiang
A Simple Method for Obtaining Single-Spore Isolates of Shiraia bambusicola
LIU Yong-xiang;ZHU Guo-sheng;LIU Zuo-yi
Biological Characteristics of Four Marine Chaetomium Isolates
LI Gui-fang;JIN Jing;CHEN Jing;WANG Yuan-lu;LIU Fu-chao